The concept of ‘culture shock’ denotes
Answer: The mental distress caused by adjustment in a different culture.
Answer: The mental distress caused by adjustment in a different culture.
Answer: Redistributive exchange
Answer: Article 244
Answer: Punch technique
Answer: Histogram
Answer: Cervical curve – Thoracic curve – Lumbar curve – Pelvic curve.
Answer: Neanderthal Man – Pithecanthropus – Mauer Jaw – Sinanthropus.
Answer: G1 → S → G2 → M
Answer: H.H. Risley – A.C. Haddon – B.S. Guha – S.S. Sarkar
Answer: Industrial stage → Agricultural stage → Pastoral stage → Hunting and Gathering stage.
Answer: Trisomy 13
Answer: Natural selection and Mendelian inheritance.
Answer: Correns, Tschermark and De Vries
Answer: Homogentisic acid
Answer: Migration