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49. What is the proportion of glycine residues in collagenous regions
- [A] One-fourth
- [B] One-third
- [C] Half
- [D] One-tenth
Answer: Option [B]
50. Which of the three subunits of the G proteins binds GDP and GTP
- [A] Alpha
- [B] Beta
- [C] Gamma
- [D] Delta
Answer: Option [A]
51. O2 binding to hemoglobin results in
- [A] 100-fold higher affinity for the last O2 bound than for the first
- [B] extensive protein conformational change
- [C] both (A) and (B)
- [D] 100-fold lower affinity for the last O2 bound than for the first
Answer: Option [C]
52. Sulphydryl oxidase is used for
- [A] discoloration
- [B] clarification of images
- [C] UHT milk off flavour removal
- [D] all of these
Answer: Option [C]
53. A mixed fermentation is one, which produces
- [A] both alcohol and carbon dioxide
- [B] both acid and carbon dioxide
- [C] both acid and alcohol
- [D] several different kinds of acid
Answer: Option [C]
54. Water insoluble enzymes can be prepared by using multifunctional agents that are bifunctional in nature and have
- [A] low molecular weight
- [B] high molecular weight
- [C] high equivalent weigh
- [D] low reactivity
Answer: Option [A]
55. A fluid in which the viscosity decreases with increasing stirrer speed and mixing time, can be represented as
- [A] newtonian fluid
- [B] pseudoplastic, thixotropic fluid
- [C] dilatant, rheopectic fluid
- [D] dilatant, pseudoplastic fluid
Answer: Option [B]
56. In animal cell bioreactor, bubble damage can be minimized by
- [A] the addition of a shear protectorant
- [B] using a bubble free oxygen delivery system
- [C] headspace aeration
- [D] all of the above
Answer: Option [D]
57. The torque required to move an impeller at a set speed
- [A] newtonian fluid
- [B] pseudoplastic
- [C] dilatant
- [D] rheopectic
Answer: Option [A]
58. Water insoluble enzymes can be prepared by using multifunctional agents that are bifunctional in nature and have
- [A] low molecular weight
- [B] high molecular weight
- [C] high equivalent weight
- [D] low reactivity
Answer: Option [A]
59. For glucose isomerization by immobilized enzyme, the reactor generally used is
- [A] CSTR
- [B] plug flow
- [C] packed bed
- [D] fluidized bed
Answer: Option [C]
60. Which of the following is an example of tertiary structure in a protein
- [A] A multimeric protein
- [B] An a-helix
- [C] A P-pleated sheet
- [D] A globular domain
Answer: Option [A]