Which of the following statement is not true regarding Einsteins mass energy relation?
Answer: Mass and energy can never be related to each other.
Answer: Mass and energy can never be related to each other.
Answer: Einstein
Answer: is very stable
Answer: there is no change in the proton number and the neutron number
Then the parenthesis [ ] represents a
Answer: antineutrino
Answer: Th < Tm
Answer: all of the above
Answer: Half life
Answer: B
Answer: All of the above
Answer: Boron rods absorb excess neutrons.
Answer: kinetic enrgy is high enough to overcome repulsion between nuclei
Answer: cadmium
Answer: nature of element
Answer: the biological effect of radiation
Answer: remains unchanged
Answer: only one α, β and γ at a time
Answer: all of the above
Answer: all of these
Answer: energy which binds nucleons together