Which of the following is not true ?
Answer: When forfeited shares are issued at premium, the premium amount is credited to Capital Reserve Account.
Answer: When forfeited shares are issued at premium, the premium amount is credited to Capital Reserve Account.
Answer: AS 21
Answer: Loan
Answer: Markets where sellers rely on their customers’ high propensity to consume a prestigious commodity.
Answer: Within ± 1.96 σ limits from Mean value, the area under the distribution is 99 percent of the total area.
Answer: Electronic Transactions
Answer: Matrix organization
Answer: M M Model
Answer: Risk-free Rate
Answer: National Safety Council
Answer: Seed Capital Assistance Scheme
Answer: To maximise mobilisation of people’s savings by making insurance linked savings adequately attractive.
Answer: Shareholders of the acquired or target firm vote by their response to a tender offer in an acquisition of stock but cast a formal vote in a merger situation.
Answer: Sensex is an index number of 30 scrips.
Answer: Customer