
Data warehouse Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)& Answers

41 .............................are designed to overcome any limitations placed on the warehouse by the nature of the relational data model.
[A] Operational database
[B] Relational database
[C] Multidimensional database
[D] Data repository
Answer: Multidimensional database
42 The full form of OLAP is
[A] Online Analytical Processing
[B] Online Advanced Processing
[C] Online Advanced Preparation
[D] Online Analytical Performance
Answer: Online Analytical Processing
43 ……………………. is a subject-oriented, integrated,time-variant, nonvolatile collection or data in support of management decisions.
[A] Data Mining
[B] Data Warehousing
[C] Document Mining
[D] Text Mining
Answer: Data Warehousing
44 The data is stored, retrieved and updated in ………………..
Answer: OLTP
45 an ……………… system is market-oriented and is used for data analysis by knowledge workers, including managers, executives, and analysts.
[C] Both of the above
[D] None of the above
Answer: OLAP
46 …………………… is a good alternative to the star schema.
[A] Star schema
[B] Snowflake schema
[C] Fact constellation
[D] Star-snowflake schema
Answer: Fact constellation
47 The ………………………. exposes the information being captured, stored, and managed by operational systems.
[A] top-down view
[B] data warehouse view
[C] data source view
[D] business query view
Answer: data source view
48 The type of relationship in star schema is ……………
[A] Many to many
[B] one to one
[C] one too many
[D] many to one
Answer: one too many
49 The ……………… allows the selection of the relevant information necessary for the data warehouse.
[A] top-down view
[B] data warehouse view
[C] data source view
[D] business query view
Answer: top-down view
50 Which of the following is not a component of a data warehouse?
[A] Metadata
[B] Current detail data
[C] Lightly summarized data
[D] Component Key
Answer: Component Key
51 Which of the following is not a kind of data warehouse application?
[A] Information processing
[B] Analytical processing
[C] Data mining
[D] Transaction processing
Answer: Transaction processing
52 _________ introduces the Management Data Warehouse (MDW) to SQL Server Management Studio for streamlined performance troubleshooting.
[A] SQL Server 2005
[B] SQL Server 2008
[C] SQL Server 2012
[D] SQL Server 2014
Answer: SQL Server 2008
53 Point out the correct statement.
[A] MDW consist of three components
[B] SQL Server Express instances can be targets
[C] Setting up the MDW is a one-step process
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: MDW consist of three components
54 Which of the following mode allows for the collection and uploading of data to occur on demand?
[A] Non-cached mode
[B] Cached mode
[C] mixed mode
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Non-cached mode
55 Which of the following scenario favors cached mode?
[A] Continuous collection of data
[B] Less frequent uploads
[C] Data collection and uploading of jobs on different schedules
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: All of the mentioned
56 Point out the wrong statement.
[A] The Data Collection is performed primarily through SSIS packages that control the collection frequency on the target
[B] You should change the database name after creation
[C] Do not change any of the job specifications for the data collection and upload jobs
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: You should change the database name after creation
57 Which of the following is the best Practice and Caveat for Management Data Warehouse?
[A] Use a centralized server for the MDW database
[B] The XML parameters for a single T-SQL collection item can have multiple elements
[C] Use a distributed server for the MDW database
[D] All of the mentioned
Answer: Use a centralized server for the MDW database
58 ____________ stores information about how the management data warehouse reports should group and aggregate performance counters.
[A] core.snapshots_internal
[B] core.supported_collector_types_internal
[C] core.wait_categories
[D] core.performance_counter_report_group_items
Answer: core.performance_counter_report_group_items
59 Which of the following table is used in the management data warehouse schema that is required for the Server Activity?
[A] snapshots.query_stat
[B] snapshots.os_latch_stats
[C] snapshots.active_sessions
[D] all of the mentioned
Answer: snapshots.os_latch_stats
60 Which of the following is syntax for sp_add_collector_type procedure?
[A] core.sp_add_collector [ @collector_type_uid = ] ‘collector_type_uid’
[B] core.sp_add_collector_type [ @collector_type_uid = ].
[C] core.sp_add_collector_type [ @collector_type_uid = ] ‘collector_type_uid’
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: core.sp_add_collector_type [ @collector_type_uid = ] ‘collector_type_uid’

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