Which of the following is not considered as a fundamental objective of National Security :
Answer: To maintain International Peace
Answer: To maintain International Peace
Answer: Non - membership of rival military blocks of the cold war era
(i) Operation Tornado
(ii) Operation Gibralter
(iii) Operation Swan
(iv) Operation High Rise
Codes :Answer: (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
Answer: 10 March, 1959
Answer: Antarctic Treaty
Answer: B. H. Liddle Hart
Answer: Trotsky
Answer: Bernard Brodie
Answer: 2009
Answer: Carl von clausewitz
Answer: Resuce Operation by India in Nepal erathquake of 2015
(i) Gwader
(ii) Tricomalee
(iii) Chittagong
(iv) Humbentota
Codes :Answer: (i) and (iv) are correct
Answer: Bhutan and Sikkim
Answer: Gammel Abdul Nasser
Answer: Shiva Pass