Originally, the maximum and minimum limits of the Statutory Liquidity ratio prescribed in India was
Answer: 40 percent and 25 percent
Answer: 40 percent and 25 percent
Answer: W. J. Baumol
Answer: To suggest the measures for financing the development of infrastructure.
Answer: 14th Finance Commission
Answer: G. Mankiw
Answer: the difference between the social marginal cost and the firm’s marginal cost
Answer: Declining marginal productivity of capital.
Answer: J.S. Mill
Answer: Leontief production function
Answer: New classical economics
Answer: C.N. Vakil and P.R. Brahmanand
Answer: absence of diminishing returns with respect to capital.
Answer: Profit rate, Distribution of income and economic growth.
Answer: Both (1) and (2).
Answer: Free Trade Area