Which among the following is/are true for Real Effective Exchange Rate of the currency of a country ?
Answer: Both (1) and (2) are true.
Answer: Both (1) and (2) are true.
Answer: Defensive pricing
Answer: indeterminate
Answer: SDRs + Gold holdings of the R.B.I. + Foreign Currency Assets.
Answer: Both (1) and (2) are true.
Answer: Average cost is at a minimum.
Answer: Irving Fisher
Answer: Both (1) and (2)
Answer: Price elasticity of demand for it is high.
Answer: Product differentiation
Answer: Stackelberg model
Answer: Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP)
Answer: Changing the cropping pattern in favour of horticulture and floriculture crops.
Answer: All of the above
Answer: Once in 5 years