Under a freely exchange rate system, a deficit in a Nation’s Balance of Payments Account is automatically corrected by
Answer: a depreciation of its currency
Answer: a depreciation of its currency
Answer: European Union
Answer: scarce factor to rise
Answer: Planning for future so as to meet the long term requirement of development in the country.
Answer: M.N. Roy
Answer: growing GNP taking care of poverty.
Answer: Current Account deficit and Fiscal deficit
Answer: Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Answer: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Answer: Goods Safe for Environment
Answer: Tax incentives and vouchers
Answer: Equity, Certainty, Convenience and Economy
Answer: The movement from older level of public expenditure and taxation to a newer and higher level
Answer: Non-correspondence between the functions and resources of the Central and State Governments
Answer: Raising the tax-GDP ratio and rationalisation of subsidies