Answer: Eugene Onegin
Answer: Eugene Onegin
(a) a Babylonian epic poem
(b) a series of gnomic verses
(c) a classical play
(d) the story of a harsh ruler
Answer: (a) and (d)
Answer: Noah Webster, 1828
Answer: The Hungry Tide
Answer: “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”
Answer: Cleanth Brooks.
Answer: Mark Twain.
Answer: Signalled the American Revolution and the French Revolution
Answer: Frankenstein
Answer: look for specific words and phrases and lines
(a) It is a novel written by Matthew Prior.
(b) It is a satirical poem published in 3 parts.
(c) Hudibras was written by Samuel Butler.
(d) Hudibras discusses complex issues of justice, politics and religion.
Answer: (b) and (c) are true
Answer: L.C. Knights, A.C. Bradley
Answer: eight, ate
Assertion (A) : Arts will often work obliquely, by myth or symbol. They may make their best ‘criticism of life’ simply by being; they may best state by not stating.
Reason (R) : It follows, if even only part of all this is true, that the arts do have an important social function. [...] Arts can give greater depth to a society’s sense of itself. [...] A country without great art might be a powerful collection of thriving earthworms but would be a sorry society.
Answer: Reason (R) is perfectly aligned with Assertion (A)
Answer: climate – climactic