
Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 22

(1) The part of an actual resource which can be developed profitably in the future is
(1) Non-renewable resources
(2) Potential resources
(3) Reserved resources
(4) Stock resources
Answer: Reserved resources
(2) Which of the following methods is generally not adopted for the safe disposal of biomedical waste ?
(1) Incineration
(2) Hydroclaving
(3) Landfilling
(4) Shredding after
Answer: Landfilling
(3) Which of the following prompted the Govt. of India to enact Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 ?
(1) River Ganga Water Pollution
(2) Endosulfan tragedy in Kerala
(3) London Smog
(4) Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Answer: Bhopal Gas Tragedy
(4) Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forest and wildlife is emphasized in constitution of India under the Article
(1) 48 A
(2) 21
(3) 46
(4) 47
Answer: 48 A
(5) Environmental Relief Fund was established under the provisions of
(1) The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
(2) The Indian Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
(3) The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
(4) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
Answer: The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
(6) A type of lake that forms in the depression of the earth’s crust between two parallel faults is known as
(1) Grade lake
(2) Surface lake
(3) Graben lake
(4) Glacial lake
Answer: Graben lake
(7) In case of plumes from a tall stack located on flat terrain ‘Lofting’ type of plume behaviour is observed when in the atmosphere
(1) inversion conditions prevail below the stack height
(2) strong lapse rate conditions exist.
(3) inversion conditions exist above the stack height
(4) weak lapse rate conditions exist
Answer: inversion conditions prevail below the stack height.
(8) Turbulent updrafts and downdrafts flows are an example of
(1) Synoptic scale phenomena
(2) Planetary scale phenomena
(3) Meso-scale phenomena
(4) Micro-scale phenomena
Answer: Micro-scale phenomena
(9) A niche of the species where there is no competition from other speci
(1) hyper volume niche
(2) habitat
(3) fundamental niche
(4) realized niche
Answer: fundamental niche
(10) Dissipative process of energy during photosynthesis in a plant is
(1) Decomposition
(2) Senescence
(3) Respiration
(4) Mineralization of humus
Answer: Respiration
(11) Which of the following substances is generally not considered toxic ?
(1) Carbonic acid
(2) Carbon monoxide
(3) Acetaldehyde
(4) Benzene
Answer: Carbonic acid
(12) Percentage of tropospheric ozone in relation to total atmospheric ozone is about
(1) 90%
(2) 10%
(3) 50%
(4) 80%
Answer: 10%
(13) Among the following, which one is the most hazardous chemical in the atmosphere ?
(1) Dioxin
(2) Carbon monoxide
(3) Halons
(4) CFCs
Answer: Dioxin
(14) The technique, which is fastest for measuring organic carbon is,
(1) COD
(2) BOD5
(3) BOD7
(4) TOC
Answer: TOC
(15) With increase in temperature, the specific conductivity of water
(1) remains unchanged
(2) increases
(3) decreases
(4) makes the water turbid
Answer: increases

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