
Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 24

(1) Which of the following statements is true in relation to solar flat plate collectors ? Glazing (glass or plastic) above the absorber plate ?
(1) Reduces convection losses
(2) Reduces conduction losses
(3) Reduces conduction and radiation losses
(4) Enhances the absorption of solar radiation onto the absorber plate.
Answer: Reduces convection losses
(2) Which of the following wave properties is not taken advantage of in controlling noise ?
(1) Absorption
(2) Damping
(3) Interference
(4) Diffraction
Answer: Diffraction
(3) The reaction O2 → 2O, which occurs in the stratosphere, does not occur in the troposphere to produce ozone due to
(1) lower tropospheric temperature
(2) absence of λ < 242 nm radiation
(3) high air pressure
(4) high gas molecule concentrations
Answer: absence of λ < 242 nm radiation
(4) The most important global sink process for aerosols is
(1) Interception
(2) Sedimentation
(3) Impaction
(4) Wet deposition
Answer: Wet deposition
(5) Identify the correct sequence with reference to environmental clearance process for new projects :
(1) Appraisal → Screening → Scoping → Public Consultation
(2) Screening → Scoping → Public Consultation → Appraisal
(3) Scoping → Public Consultation → Appraisal → Screening
(4) Public Consultation → Appraisal → Screening → Scoping
Answer: Screening → Scoping → Public Consultation → Appraisal
(6) Which of the following elements has the longest oceanic residence time ?
(1) Iron
(2) Lead
(3) Calcium
(4) Sodium
Answer: Sodium
(7) The purpose of offshore islands is focussed for site or landscape restoration to
(1) provide linkage between movement and genetic interchange of species.
(2) foster populations of endangered species without native or introduced predators
(3) increase the stabilization of surface cover and protect the animal corridor on land.
(4) Shallow drifts
Answer: foster populations of endangered species without native or introduced predators
(8) A graphical representation where frequencies are plotted against class intervals is called
(1) stem and leaf plot
(2) Pie chart
(3) Histogram
(4) Box plot
Answer: Histogram
(9) Which one of the following is a density – independent factor that limits the size of the natural population ?
(1) Predation
(2) Territoriality
(3) Severe drought
(4) Sex ratio
Answer: Severe drought
(10) In a multiple regression analysis, if the variance of the observed variable Y is 1.57 and variance of the residue is 0.52, then R-square value is
(1) 0.85
(2) 0.67
(3) 0.72
(4) 0.52
Answer: 0.67
(11) The median value of the following data : 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 100 ; is
(1) 3
(2) 5
(3) 4
(4) 20
Answer: 4
(12) Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) > 40, and pH > 9.8 are characteristic of
(1) Acidic soil
(2) Weak saline soil
(3) Strongly saline soil
(4) Eroded soil
Answer: Strongly saline soil
(13) The climate meet COP-22 was held in which country ?
(1) Morocco
(2) South Africa
(3) Malaysia
(4) Indonesia
Answer: Morocco
(14) In an aquatic system, the presence of noxious gases such as H2S and CH4 is associated with
(1) abundant algal growth
(2) oxygen depletion
(3) absence of macrophytic vegetation
(4) excess of dissolved oxygen
Answer: oxygen depletion
(15) Severe drought is declared if
(1) Deficit of rainfall is more than 50 percent of the normal
(2) Deficit of rainfall varies between 25-45 percent of the normal.
(3) Rainfall deficit exceeds 25 percent of the normal.
(4) Rainfall deficit is between 15-25 percent of the normal
Answer: Deficit of rainfall is more than 50 percent of the normal

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