
Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 27

(1) For untreated municipal wastewater, BOD/COD ratio is in the range
(1) 1.3 – 3
(2) 0.3 – 0.8
(3) 3.0 – 6.5
(4) > 10
Answer: 0.3 – 0.8
(2) The ionic species, O+, O2+ and N2+ are found generally in
(1) Troposphere
(2) Stratosphere
(3) Mesosphere
(4) Heterosphere
Answer: Heterosphere
(3) As part of recently signed international agreement on phasing out synthetic hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), India will start phasing them out from the year
(1) 2019
(2) 2024
(3) 2028
(4) 2032
Answer: 2028
(4) In the tropospheric ozone formation reaction sequence, which of the following chemical species does not act as a catalyst ?
(1) OH
(2) HO2
(3) NO2
(4) O2
Answer: O2
(5) Which of the following power plants releases radioactive materials as well as hazardous metals such as lead and arsenic under normal operating conditions ?
(1) Nuclear power plant
(2) Solar power installations
(3) Hydro power
(4) Coal based thermal power plants
Answer: Coal based thermal power plants
(6) In term of atmospheric residence times, identify the correct sequence :
(1) NOx > CF4 > CH3Br > CH3
(2) CH3 > CH3Br > CF4 > NOx
(3) CH3Br > NOx > CH3 > CH4
(4) CF4 > NOx > CH4 > CH3Br
Answer: CF4 > NOx > CH4 > CH3Br
(7) The surface winds generally blow from the east in the areas over
(1) Tropical Equator zone
(2) Midlatitudinal zone
(3) 6 μg/LHigh latitudinal zone
(4) Subtropical zone
Answer: Tropical Equator zone
(8) Period (epoch) associated with the interference of human beings with nature is termed as
(1) Eocene
(2) Miocene
(3) Anthropocene
(4) Holocene
Answer: Anthropocen
(9) The harmonic mean of the number 5, 10 and 20 is
(1) ~ 2.51
(2) ~ 6.25
(3) ~ 8.57
(4) ~ 2.857
Answer: ~ 8.57
(10) Choose the correct statement among the following :
(1) The upper asymptote of the sigmoid curve of a population represents carrying capacity
(2) In ‘J’ form of population growth, the equilibrium level is not imposed by environmental factors
(3) All population growth forms are independent of environment.
(4) In ‘J’ shaped growth curve, a relatively un-restricted growth suddenly halt only due to diapause.
Answer: The upper asymptote of the sigmoid curve of a population represents carrying capacity
(11) Trophic relationship between an arbitrary number of species can best be explained using
(1) Leslies matrix model
(2) Lefkovitch matrix
(3) Generalized Lotka-Volterra equation
(4) Box model
Answer: Generalized Lotka-Volterra equation
(12) The length (cm) of six earthworms used in an experiment are 5.37, 5.11, 6.42, 7.26, 3.99 and 2.6. Corresponding weight (g) are 5.88, 6.35, 8.11, 8.36, 4.40 and 3.5 respectively. The relationship between length and weight of the earthworms is
(1) –vely correlated
(2) +vely correlated
(3) non-correlated
(4) insignificantly correlated
Answer: +vely correlated
(13) The geometric mean of the number 1, 4 and 16 is :
(1) 6
(2) 3
(3) 4
(4) 2
Answer: 4
(14) Mercury is particularly hazardous to the human health because :
(1) As a pure metal it is soluble in water, hence can easily be absorbed through drinking water.
(2) It is light and volatile and so is widely dispersed through the environment
(3) It bioaccumulate high up in the food chain.
(4) It can cause serious impact by physical contact.
Answer: It bioaccumulate high up in the food chain.
(15) According to the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, the inquiry on an application for relief is conducted by
(1) C.E.O.
(2) Session Judge
(3) Collector
(4) Police Commissioner
Answer: Collector

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