
Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 4

(1) A local laboratory analyzed a water sample and determined that it contained a total solid (TS) content of 132 mg/L and a conductivity of 112 μS/cm. The total suspended solid (TSS) content (mg/L) of water will be
(1) ~ 57
(2) ~ 75
(3) ~ 32
(4) ~ 120
Answer: ~ 57
(2) The settling of discreet, non-flocculating particle in a dilute suspension is known as
(1) Class-I sedimentation
(2) Class-II sedimentation
(3) Class-III sedimentation
(4) Compression
Answer: Class-I sedimentation
(3) The theoretical oxygen demand for a solution containing 500 mg/L of phenol will be
(1) 298 mg/L
(2) 596 mg/L
(3) 1191 mg/L
(4) 2382 mg/L
Answer: 1191 mg/L
(4) The compound p-dichlorobenze has been found to have KOM = 625. For a soil containing 1.6% organic matter, the distribution coefficient (Kd) will be
(1) 2
(2) 5
(3) 10
(4) 20
Answer: 10
(5) Removal of top fertile soil by water is called
(1) Leaching
(2) Siltation
(3) Weathering of soil
(4) Soil erosion
Answer: Soil erosion
(6) The evolution of genetic resistance to antibiotics among disease-carrying bacteria is an example of
(1) Directional natural selection
(2) Stabilizing natural selection
(3) Diversifying natural selection
(4) Convergent natural selection
Answer: Directional natural selection
(7) Pulmonary oedema is caused by
(1) Carbon monoxide
(2) Sulphur dioxide
(3) Nitrous oxide
(4) Methane
Answer: Nitrous oxide
(8) What is the half life of 131I ?
(1) 60 days
(2) 8 days
(3) 12 years
(4) 30 days
Answer: 8 days
(9) Chaparral, Maquis, Encinous, Melleseab are important areas of
(1) Tropical evergreen woodland
(2) Temperate evergreen woodland
(3) Tropical deciduous woodland
(4) Temperate deciduous woodland
Answer: Tropical evergreen woodland
(10) The Keystone predator species maintain diversity in a community by
(1) preying on community’s dominant species
(2) allowing immigration of other predators
(3) competitively excluding other predators
(4) coevolving with their prey
Answer: preying on community’s dominant species
(11) Which of the following is not an external factor controlling an ecosystem ?
(1) Climate
(2) Topography
(3) Parent material forming soil
(4) Microbes
Answer: Microbes
(12) Which of the following food chain is correct ?
(1) Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Turtle → Crabs
(2) Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Crab → Turtle
(3) Turtle → Crab → Zooplankton → Phytoplankton
(4) Zooplankton → Turtle → Crab → Phytoplankton
Answer: Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Crab → Turtle
(13) Which of the following is not categorized as an internal factor of an ecosystem ?
(1) Decomposition
(2) Succession
(3) Root competition
(4) Bedrock
Answer: Bedrock
(14) Two species cannot remain in same place according to
(1) Allen’s law
(2) Gause hypothesis
(3) Doll’s rule
(4) Weismann’s theory
Answer: Gause hypothesis
(15) Freshwater ecosystems are nutritionally limited by
(1) Phosphorous and Iron
(2) Phosphorous and Carbon
(3) Iron and Nitrogen
(4) Nitrogen and Calcium
Answer: Phosphorous and Iron

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