
Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 5

(1) Threshold of Security’ refers to the population level at which
(1) Parasites damage the host body but do not cause immediate mortality
(2) Predators no longer find it profitable to hunt for the prey species.
(3) Functional response of the predator is very high
(4) The balance between parasite and host is disturbed as the host produces antibodies.
Answer: Predators no longer find it profitable to hunt for the prey species.
(2) “Bermuda grass allergy” is a type of
(1) Airborne allergy
(2) Contact allergy
(3) Hydroborne allergy
(4) Soilborne allergy
Answer: Airborne allergy
(3) Parasites which initiate production of antibodies within hosts are termed as
(1) Endoparasites
(2) Pathogenic parasites
(3) Zooparasites
(4) Homoparasites
Answer: Pathogenic parasites
(4) Which of the following material is not easily broken down ?
(1) Cellulose
(2) Hemicellulose
(3) Chitin
(4) Amino acids
Answer: Chitin
(5) Melting of polar ice is expected to cover a sea level rise of approximately
(1) 10 metre
(2) 20 metre
(3) 60 metre
(4) 100 metre
Answer: 60 metre
(6) Pleistocene represents period of
(1) Cold climate
(2) Warm climate
(3) Alteration of cold and warm climate with high proportion of cold period
(4) Alteration of cold and warm climate with very high proportion of warm period
Answer: Alteration of cold and warm climate with high proportion of cold period
(7) GIS is applied to study
(1) View shed analysis
(2) Environmental Impact Assessment
(3) Wildlife habitat analysis and migration routes planning
(4) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
(8) Tectonic control in landscape evolution is manifested by
(1) Tilted river terraces
(2) Alluvial forms
(3) Increased boulder proportions in the river belt
(4) River meandering
Answer: Tilted river terraces
(9) Difference between mineral resource and reserve is
(1) Reserve implies high degree of economic viability
(2) Resource implies high degree of geological knowledge
(3) Reserve implies high degree of economic viability and highdegree of geological knowledge
(4) Resource implies high degree of economic viability and high degree of geological knowledge
Answer: Reserve implies high degree of economic viability and highdegree degree of geological knowledge
(10) Characteristic difference between two polar Ice Caps is
(1) Arctic Ice Cap is on land
(2) Antarctic Ice Cap is on land
(3) Both are on land but Antarctic Ice Cap is thicker
(4) Both are on sea but Arctic Ice Cap is thicker
Answer: Antarctic Ice Cap is on land
(11) Laterite represents
(1) Regolith soil
(2) Glacial soil
(3) Black cotton soil
(4) Red soil
Answer: Regolith soil
(12) In a whole-rock chemical analysis the dividing criterion between major and trace element on weight percent basis is
(1) 1 %
(2) 0.1 %
(3) 0.01 %
(4) 0.001 %
Answer: 0.1 %
(13) The mineral, most resistant to chemical weathering is
(1) Olivine
(2) Quartz
(3) K-feldspar
(4) Biotite
Answer: Quartz
(14) The El Nino disappears in March and re-appears in
(1) May
(2) August
(3) October
(4) December
Answer: December
(15) The elemental composition of earth’s crust in the descending order of weight percent is
(1) Silicon > Aluminium > Iron > Calcium
(2) Aluminium > Iron > Calcium > Silicon
(3) Iron > Calcium > Silicon > Aluminium
(4) Calcium > Silicon > Aluminium > Iron
Answer: Silicon > Aluminium > Iron > Calcium

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