
Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 9

(1) IAIA stands for
(1) International Association of Impact Assessment
(2) Indian Association of Impact Assessment
(3) International Assembly of Impact Assessment
(4) Indian Assembly of Impact Assessment
Answer: International Association of Impact Assessment
(2) Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs) have the heating value typically in the range
(1) 9,300 to 12,800 kJ/kg
(2) 1000 to 2500 kJ/kg
(3) 1780 to 2830 kJ/kg
(4) 530 to 780 kJ/kg
Answer: 9,300 to 12,800 kJ/kg
(3) The Motor Vehicles Act 1938 was amended in which year ?
(1) 1972
(2) 1980
(3) 1988
(4) 1986
Answer: 1988
(4) The following statistical test is used to ascertain whether there is significant difference between the variances of two sets of observations :
(1) t-test
(2) F-test
(3) Chi square test
(4) Regression
Answer: F-test
(5) The geometric mean of the following data :4, 10, 25, 10 is
(1) 10
(2) 5
(3) 12.25
(4) 100/49
Answer: 10
(6) United Nations Conference on Environment, also termed as Earth Summit, was held in 1992 in which city ?
(1) Rio de Janeiro
(2) Kyoto
(3) Stockholm
(4) Copenhagen
Answer: Rio de Janeiro
(7) In which part of India, the tropical Western Ghats are situated ?
(1) Punjab
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Gujarat
(4) Kerala
Answer: Kerala
(8) Variety of different species, genetic variability among individuals within each species and variety of ecosystems constitute the so called
(1) Species diversity
(2) Genetic diversity
(3) Biological diversity
(4) Ecological diversity
Answer: Biological diversity
(9) Baba Amte was the leader of
(1) Appiko Movement
(2) Chipko Movement
(3) Narmada Bachao Andolan
(4) Tehri Dam Movement
Answer: Narmada Bachao Andolan
(10) In a multiple regression model, the f-ratio is used to test the
(1) Variance of the data
(2) Standard error of mean
(3) R2 value
(4) Overall goodness of fit of the model.
Answer: Overall goodness of fit of the model
(11) If the mean of a sample is 20, the standard error of mean is 1 and the t-statistic for 95% level of confidence is 2.5, the population mean will be in the range
(1) 17.5 to 22.5
(2) 15 to 25
(3) 20 to 25
(4) 15 to 20
Answer: 17.5 to 22.5
(12) The third moment about the mean of a distribution of a set of observations is a measure of
(1) Mode
(2) Skewness
(3) Kurtosis
(4) Variance
Answer: Skewness
(13) Consider an air shed over a city in the form of a rectangular box. The wind velocity is 5 m/sec normal to left face of the box. The length of the box along the direction of wind is 10 km and mixing height is 1 km. Assuming rapid mixing of the pollutants which are conservative in nature, the concentration of the pollutants in the city would reach 63% of its final value in
(1) 2,000 sec
(2) 5,000 sec
(3) 10,000 sec
(4) 1,000 sec
Answer: 2,000 sec
(14) Which one of the following states of mercury is volatile ?
(1) Organic
(2) Organic
(3) Atomic
(4) All of the above
Answer: Atomic
(15) Which one of the following is a peroxyl radical ?
(1) OH
(2) R
(3) RO
(4) ROO
Answer: ROO

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