
Agricultural Geography - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Page-4

(16) Which one of the following is not a form of shifting cultivation
[A] Jhuming
[B] Bush fallow agriculture
[C] Slash and Burn agriculture
[D] Nomadic Herding


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Nomadic Herding. Nomadic herders roam in small tribal or extended family groups and have no home base. Nomads live in arid and semiarid parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe, and in the tundra regions of Asia and Europe.

(17) In ‘Odisha’ slash and burn agriculture is known as
[A] Bringa
[B] Watra
[C] Jhuming
[D] Deppa


Answer: Option [A]

In ‘Odisha’ slash and burn agriculture is known as Bringa. The steps for slash and burn agriculture are : Prepare the field by cutting down vegetation, plants that provide food or timber that may be left standing. The downed vegetation is allowed to dry until just before the rainiest part of the year to ensure an effective burn.


(18) In Meghalaya shifting cultivation is known as
[A] Deppa
[B] Jhuming
[C] Bringa
[D] Watra


Answer: Option [B]

In Meghalaya shifting cultivation is known as Jhuming. Shifting cultivation has been a popular farming method in Meghalaya. Farmers also practise 'slash and burn' method. Commonly called the Jhum or the Swidden cultivation method, it is one of the most ancient methods of cultivation.

(19) In southern Rajasthan slash and burn agriculture is known as
[A] Jhuming
[B] Bringa
[C] Watra
[D] Deppa


Answer: Option [C]

In southern Rajasthan slash and burn agriculture is known as Watra.

(20) In Chhatisgarh slash and burn agriculture is locally known as
[A] Deppa
[B] Jhuming
[C] Bringa
[D] Watra


Answer: Option [A]

In Chhatisgarh slash and burn agriculture is locally known as Deppa.

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