
Geography Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Geography Practice Test | Set 4

(1) Which one of the following criteria was used to demarcate 15 agro-climatic regions, which were accepted by the Planning Commission of India (now NITI Aayog) to initiate regional approach to agricultural planning during the Eighth Five-Year Plan ?
(1) Climate, soil characteristics, and rainfall
(2) Climate, soil characteristics, and water availability
(3) Climate, soil characteristics, rainfall and water availability
(4) Climate, cropping pattern, rainfall and water availability
Answer: Climate, soil characteristics, rainfall and water availability
(2) Which one of the following criteria was used to delineate the National Capital Region for planning purpose ?
(1) Functional unity and Physiographic characteristics.
(2) Functional unity, Administrative contiguity and demographic characteristics.
(3) Functional unity, Administrative contiguity and distance from New Delhi.
(4) Functional unity, Physiographic and demographic characteristics and Administrative contiguity.
Answer: Functional unity, Physiographic and demographic characteristics and Administrative contiguity.
(3) Which one of the following statements is not true about the concept of development ?
(1) Development is a continuous process.
(2) Development is a multi-faceted process.
(3) Development stands for growth without a change.
(4) Meaning of development change in time and space.
Answer: Development stands for growth without a change.
(4) Which one of the following dates is correct for the normal withdrawl of south-west monsoon from Indian territory ?
(1) September, 1
(2) September, 5
(3) September, 10
(4) September, 15
Answer: September, 1
(5) Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh is known for which one of the following ore deposits ?
(1) Bauxite
(2) Anthracite
(3) Magnetite
(4) Muscovite
Answer: Magnetite
(6) Who among the following architect-planner prepared Master Plan for Chandigarh City ?
(1) Charles Correa
(2) Frank Lloyd Wright
(3) Edwin Lutyens
(4) Le-Corbusier
Answer: Le-Corbusier
(7) Jharkhand ranks third after which one of the following group of states in the availability of coal reserves in India ?
(1) West Bengal and Chhatisgarh
(2) Odisha and Chhatisgarh
(3) Odisha and West Bengal
(4) Chhatisgarh and Karnataka
Answer: Odisha and Chhatisgarh
(8) Adityapur Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is famous for :
(1) Engineering and Machine tools
(2) Wool Textiles
(3) Automobile and Autocomponents
(4) Dairy products
Answer: Automobile and Autocomponents
(9) On a topographical map of 1 : 50,000 scale the contour Interval is given as 10 meters. Place ‘A’ is situated on a contour of 200 m MSL and another place ‘B’ is located on a countour of 240 m MSL. The distance between ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the map is 4.0 cms. The correct gradiant between ‘A’ and ‘B’ therefore would be :
(1) 1/30
(2) 1/40
(3) 1/50
(4) 1/60
Answer: 1/50
(10) Which one of the following organisations looks after the receiving and processing of remote sensing data in India ?
(1) SHAR Centre
(2) SDS Centre
(3) LPS Centre
(4) NRSC
Answer: NRSC
(11) Which one of the following is the correct sequences of various EMR spectrum bands in an ascending order of wavelength ?
(1) Blue-Green-Red-Ultraviolet
(2) Red-Blue-Green-Ultraviolet
(3) Ultraviolet-Blue-Green-Red
(4) Ultraviolet-Green-Blue-Red
Answer: Ultraviolet-Blue-Green-Red
(12) Which one of the following scales is correctly measure the rank-size distribution of settlements ?
(1) Nominal
(2) Ordinal
(3) Interval
(4) Ratio
Answer: Ratio
(13) ‘Mohorovicic discontinuity’ marks the boundary between :
(1) Continental shelf and Ocean crust
(2) Asthenosphere and lithosphere
(3) Crust and the upper mantle
(4) Core and the mantle
Answer: Crust and the upper mantle
(14) The process in which one plate slides beneath another is known as :
(1) Advection
(2) Subduction
(3) Convergence
(4) Convection
Answer: Subduction
(15) San Andrean fault is a :
(1) Transform fault
(2) Converging fault
(3) Spreading fault
(4) Submergent fault
Answer: Transform fault

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