1. Who is the founder of Greek historiography?
- Aristotle
- Herodotus
- Hippocrates
- Thucydides
Answer: Herodotus
2. When did Americans gain independence?
- 4th July 1773
- 4th July 1774
- 4th July 1771
- 4th July 1775
Answer: 4th July 1775
3. The Unification of Italy happened?
- 1848 – 1870
- 1848 – 1871
- 1848 – 1872
- 1849 – 1870
Answer: 1848 – 1871
4. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles?
- To bring peace between the nations who fought in the First World War.
- To bring peace between Germany and France.
- To bring unity between the nations of Europe.
- None of the Above.
Answer: To bring peace between the nations who fought in the First World War.
5. What was the immediate cause of the beginning of the First World War?
- The murder of William I.
- The murder of Archduke Ferdinand.
- The murder of Victor Emmanuel II.
- The murder of William II.
Answer: The murder of Archduke Ferdinand.
6. What was the ultimate cause of the Second World War?
- Invasion of Prussia.
- Invasion of Austria.
- Invasion of Poland.
- Invasion of Italy.
Answer: Invasion of Poland.
7. When were ancient Olympic games held first?
- 776 BC
- 780 BC
- 790 BC
- 800 BC
Answer: 776 BC
8. The ‘Age of Renaissance’ started in the century?
- 16th Century
- 15th Century
- 14th Century
- 19th Century
Answer:16th Century
9. The Reformation Movement was started by whom?
- King Henry VIII.
- Martin Luther.
- John Calvin.
- William Tyndale.
Answer:Martin Luther.
10. Who is the author of "From the Founding of the City"?
- Cicero
- Livy
- Polybius
- Sallust
11. When did the Reformation movement start?
- 1516
- 1518
- 1519
- 1517
12. Which year did Christopher Columbus discover America?
- 1490
- 1492
- 1491
- 1494
13. What was the slogan for the French Revolution?
- Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
- Liberty, Equality, Reform.
- Liberty, Revolution, Equality.
- Revolution, Reform, Fraternity.
Answer:Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
14. The Peloponnesian War was fought between which cities?
- Athens and Macedonia
- Carthage and Athens
- Sparta and Carthage
- Sparta and Athens
Answer:Sparta and Athens
15. When was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) or the Soviet Union born?
- 1925
- 1920
- 1921
- 1923
16. Who was the first to distinguish between cause and immediate origins of an event?
- Herodotus
- Pericles
- Plutarch
- Thucydides
17. Whose teachings inspired the French Revolution?
- Locke
- Rousseau
- Hegel
- More than one of the above
18. Who is known as the father of Modern Medicine?
- Erastosthenes
- Euclid
- Hippocrates
- Pythagoras
19. Who is known as the father of History?
- Sophocles
- Homer
- Herodotus
- Aristophanes
20. What is the duration of the French Revolution?
- 1788 – 1792
- 1789 – 1799
- 1789 – 1799
- 1781 – 1790
Answer:1789 – 1799
21. Which treaty acknowledges the Independence of America?
- Treaty of France.
- Treaty of America.
- Treaty of Paris.
- Treaty of Versailles.
Answer:Treaty of Paris.
22. When did the Republican Revolution of China start?
- October 1910.
- October 1911.
- October 1914.
- October 1912.
Answer:October 1911.
23. When was the Russo – Japanese war fought?
- February 1901 to September 1905.
- February 1900 to September 1901.
- February 1904 to September 1905.
- February 1903 to September 1904.
Answer:February 1904 to September 1905.
24. Who wrote the essay "What is a Nation?"
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Ernst Renan
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- More than one of the above
Answer:Ernst Renan
25. Who discovered Troy?
- Arthur Evans
- Frank Calvert
- Heinrich Schliemann
- Homer
Answer:Heinrich Schliemann
26. Who discovered Troy?
- Arthur Evans
- Frank Calvert
- Heinrich Schliemann
- Homer
Answer:Heinrich Schliemann
27. When was ancient Rome founded?
- 776 BC
- 753 BC
- 752 BC
- 742 BC
Answer:753 BC
28. Where did the Industrial Revolution first start?
- Great Britain.
- France.
- Rome.
- America.
Answer:Great Britain.
29. The Thirty Years’ war was fought from _____ to _____.
- 1618 – 1648.
- 1620 – 1640.
- 1629 – 1649.
- 1619 – 1949.
Answer:1618 – 1648.
30. When did World War I start?
- July 28, 1914.
- July 28, 1915.
- July 25, 1914.
- July 28, 1920.
Answer:July 28, 1914.
31. When was the Treaty of Versailles imposed upon the nations?
- 10 January 1920.
- 10 January 1921.
- 11 January 1920.
- 11, January 1921.
Answer:10 January 1920.
32. When was the start of the Russian Revolution?
- 1919
- 1918
- 1915
- 1917
33. Who was the first president of the Republic of China?
- Sun Yat-Sen
- Yuan Shik-Kai
- Chiang Kai-Shek
- Li Yuan-Hong
Answer:Sun Yat-Sen.
34. Who was the first sailor who discovered India through the seaway?
- Vasco de Gama
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Christopher Columbus
- Marco Polo
Answer:Vasco de Gama
35. Who is the author of "The History of the World-Conquerer"?
- Annemarie Schimmel
- Clifford Edmund Bosworth
- Gustaf John Ramstedt
- John Andrew Boyle
Answer:John Andrew Boyle