Answer: Discipline is personal.
Answer: Discipline is personal.
(a) It considers all the cash flows from the project
(b) It gives more weightage to distant flows than near-term flows
(c) It considers the time value of money
Code :Answer: (a) and (c) only
Answer: Equity, preference and debt capital
I used for computation of the cost of debt capital, B0 denotes as which B0 one of the following ?
Answer: Net cash inflow at the time of issue
Answer: Proportion of different sources of finance
Answer: Stated needs
Reasoning (R) : Organizations recognize that little of their market value comes from intangible assets.
Code :Answer: Both (A) and (R) are incorrect
Answer: The most attractive market segment is one in which entry barriers are low and exit barriers are high.
Answer: Network Models
Answer: There are infinite number of basic feasible solutions within the solution space
Answer: The system has an infinite set of possible outcomes
Statement - II : To test the hypothesis that the population standard deviation has a specific value on the basis of the values of sample standard deviation of small sized sample, F-test is relevant.
Code :Answer: Both the statements are incorrect
Statement - II : To test the significance of the difference between means of two small sized samples when the parameter values of the standard deviations are given, Z-test can be applied.
Code :Answer: Both the statements are correct
Answer: Quota sampling
Statement - II : For testing the significance of the differences among the performance of more than two sample groups when the data are non-parametric, Kruskal-Wallis (H) test is appropriate.
Code :Answer: Statement - I is incorrect while Statement - II is correct