Which one of the following is not a major area of entrepreneurial innovation as suggested by Joseph Schumpeter ?
Answer: Structural innovation
Answer: Structural innovation
Answer: Fabian entrepreneur
Answer: Union Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Answer: Excessive tax policies
Answer: All of the above
Answer: Moral sensitivity, moral focus, moral judgment, moral character
Answer: Bob Garratt
Reason (R) : It has to be ethical, legal and responsible behaviour for organisation, stakeholders and society.
Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true.
Answer: All of the above
Answer: 7.5
Answer: diseconomies of scope
Answer: rational choices can lead to bad outcomes
Answer: Target price®penetration price®value - based price®limit price®niche price
Answer: 1.07 and ` 5 million
Answer: Conceptual skill