
Animal Husbandry Quiz | Animal Husbandry Objective Type Questions and Answers

(21) Milk vein in cows contains–
[A] Water
[B] Blood
[C] Milk
[D] Milk and blood
Answer: Blood
(22) Shortest period of estrous cycle is–
[A] Estrus
[B] Procesturs
[C] Metestrus
[D] Diestrus
Answer: Estrus


(23) The major advantage of weaning in cows–
[A] To get clean milk
[B] To get strong calves
[C] To get continuous milk
[D] Increase milking efficiency
Answer: To get clean milk
(24) Oogenesis and spermatogenesis are a major physiological action of (hormone released from pituitary gland)–
[A] Thyrotropin
[B] Prolactin
[C] Follicle stimulating hormone
[D] Oxytocin
Answer: Follicle stimulating hormone
(25) Failure of the retractor penis muscles to relax and to allow the penis to extend from the sheath is known as –
[A] Cyptorchidism
[B] Scrotal hernia
[C] Importentia coeundi
[D] Free martin (neuter)
Answer: Scrotal hernia
(26) Cow milk's protein is called–
[A] Zein
[B] Lactalbumin
[C] Casein
[D] None of these
Answer: Casein
(27) Maximum producer of wool–
[A] Haryana
[B] U.P.
[C] Punjab
[D] Rajasthan
Answer: Rajasthan
(28) Toda is a breed of–
[A] SheeI
[B] Goat
[C] Cattle
[D] Buffalo
Answer: Buffalo
(29) Buffer value of milk is due to–
[A] Protein
[B] Fat
[C] Lipid
[D] Carbohydrate is
Answer: Protein
(30) Angora is a native of–
[A] Europe
[B] Turkey
[C] Holland
[D] India
Answer: Turkey
31 Mainly draught breed of cattle is–
[A] Gir
[B] Sahiwal
[C] Amrit Mahal
[D] Kankrej
Answer: Amrit Mahal
32 Tharparkar is native of–
[A] Haryana
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Pakistan
[D] Gujarat
Answer: Pakistan
33 Salted meat of pig is known as–
[A] Bacon
[B] Beef
[C] Pork
[D] Chicken
Answer: Bacon
34 Most popular poultry in USA–
[A] Plymouth Rock
[B] New Hempshire
[C] Rhode Island Red
[D] Brahma
Answer: Plymouth Rock
35 Longest phase of oestrus cycle–
[A] Proestrus
[B] Estrus
[C] Metestrus
[D] Diestrus
Answer: Diestrus
36 Finest wool in Rajasthan produced by–
[A] Magra
[B] Sonadi
[C] Nali
[D] Chokla
Answer: Chokla
37 Chemical used for dehorning is
[A] Na CI
[B] Caustic potash
[C] Oxalic acid
[D] a OH
Answer: Caustic potash
38 Saanen breed is native of–
[A] U. S. A.
[B] Switzerland
[C] Africa
[D] U. K
Answer: Switzerland
39 Goat tissue vaccine (GTV) is used' against–
[B] Rinderpest
[C] HS
[D] Black quarter
Answer: Rinderpest
40 Which animal have single stomach with large caecum, unable to ruminate ?
[A] Sheep
[B] Camel
[C] Buffalo
[D] Donkey
Answer: Donkey

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