
Atomic Structure Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) with Answers | Atomic Structure Objective Questions

(1) Why has nuclear energy become an inevitable option for the development of the country?
[A] Because less pollution caused by nuclear plant
[B] High efficiency of nuclear energy
[C] Due to acute shortage of other sources of energy
[D] High cost of energy production of other sources
Answer: Due to acute shortage of other sources of energy
(2) How much amount of nuclear energy burnt is equivalent to the energy produced by 3000 tonnes of coal?
[A] 20kg
[B] 15kg
[C] 5kg
[D] 1kg
Answer: 1kg
(3) What is the most attractive part of nuclear energy?
[A] Supports countries development
[B] Has high efficiency of energy production
[C] Is available in abundance
[D] Causes no pollution
Answer: Causes no pollution
(4) Nucleus consists of two sub-particles known as?
[A] Nucleons
[B] Neutrons
[C] Nucleosides
[D] Nucleotides
Answer: Nucleons
(5) The atom as a whole is electrically charged.
[A] True
[B] Can´t be determine
[C] Both can be
[D] False
Answer: False
(6) On which law is the nuclear energy explained?
[A] Mendeleev law
[B] Rutherford law
[C] Newton’s law
[D] Einstein’s law
Answer: Einstein’s law
(7) Number of protons in the nucleus is called ___________
[A] Atomic number
[B] Mass number
[C] Electric charge
[D] Periodic number
Answer: Atomic number
(8) The total number of nucleons in the nucleus is called _________
[A] Atomic number
[B] Electric charge
[C] Mass number
[D] Periodic number
Answer: Mass number
(9) To disrupt a nucleus and separate in into its component nucleons, energy must be supplied from outside and this energy is called?
[A] Bonding energy
[B] Kinetic energy
[C] Binding energy
[D] Nuclear energy
Answer: Binding energy
(10) The net neutrons produced per initial neutron accounting for all possible losses is called?
[A] Bombardment
[B] Half life
[C] Multiplication factors
[D] Covalent bond
Answer: Multiplication factors
(11) What is the time during which one half of a number of radioactive species decays or one half of their activity ceases?
[A] Super critical state
[B] Semi life
[C] Critical life
[D] Half Life
Answer: Half Life
(12) Electrons that orbit outermost shell of an atom are called?
[A] Valence electrons
[B] Electrons
[C] Electron Coefficients
[D] Neutrons
Answer: Valence electrons
(13) A covalent bond is also called as ____
[A] Atomic bond
[B] Metal bond
[C] Molecular bond
[D] Metal bond
Answer: Molecular bond
(14) Which of the following statements is not true with respect to photoelectric effect -
[A] The plot of kinetic energy of the photoelectrons against frequency of absorbed radiation gives a straight line parallel to x-axis
[B] The plot of K.E. of the photoelectrons against frequency of absorbed radiation gives a straight line with slope equal to h and intercept ro
[C] The plot of kinetic energy of the photoelectrons versus the intensity of incident radiation with constant frequency gives a straight line parallel to x-axis
[D] When intensity of light is increased the number of photons ejected increases but the energies of these electrons are the same
Answer: The plot of kinetic energy of the photoelectrons against frequency of absorbed radiation gives a straight line parallel to x-axis
(15) Who is credited with the discovery of electron?
[A] James Chadwick
[B] Ernest Rutherford
[C] Niels Bohr
[D] JJ Thomson
Answer: JJ Thomson
(16) An atom has a mass number of 37 and atomic number 17. How many protons does it have?
[A] 20
[B] 54
[C] 17
[D] 21
Answer: 17
(17) Which of the following mostly accounts for the mass of an atom?
[A] Neutrons
[B] Neutron and proton
[C] Electron and proton
[D] Electron and neutron
Answer: Neutron and proton
(18) Which metal was used by Rutherford in his alpha-scattering experiment?
[A] Gold
[B] Platinum
[C] Silver
[D] Lead
Answer: Gold
(19) During a chemical reaction, atomic number
[A] Changes
[B] Changes and then is restored
[C] Changes alternately
[D] Remains same
Answer: Remains same
(20) Which isotope of hydrogen contains only one proton and no neutron in its nucleus?
[A] Protium
[B] Deuterium
[C] Tritium
[D] None of the above
Answer: Protium