Which is the committee on Banking Ombudsman?
Answer: Suma Verma Committee
Answer: Suma Verma Committee
Answer: Basel II norms
Answer: It can be paid only through a banker
Answer: FCRA
Answer: April 5, 2006
Answer: Chit Funds
Answer: FDCPA
(i) When mutual funds are sold without telling the likely returns
(ii) When agents sell the products without telling investors what are the risks involved in investing in mutual funds
(iii) When agents invest somebody's money in mutual funds without their knowledge
Answer: All (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer: RBI Governor
Answer: RESPA
Answer: 1949
Answer: General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972
Answer: Basel III norms
Answer: TILA
Answer: Salaried Tax Payers, Pensioners & Differently-abled Persons
Answer: AP Shah Committee
Answer: Bangladesh
Answer: Indradhanush