
CBSE Class 9 Economics Quiz | CBSE Class 9 Economics Short Questions & Answers

41 Which are the special target groups in Antyodaya Anna Yojana?
[A] Backward class
[B] Poorest of the poor
[C] Poor and non-poor
[D] None of these
Answer: Poorest of the poor
42 In which state of India, Amul Dairy is situated?
[A] Gujarat
[B] Bihar
[C] Rajasthan
[D] Karnataka
Answer: Gujarat


43 Which one of the following does not ensure food security to the people?
[A] Extremely inadequate purchasing power.
[B] All persons have the capacity to buy food.
[C] Enough food is available for all the persons.
[D] There is no barrier on access to food.
Answer: Extremely inadequate purchasing power.
44 MSP stands for
[A] Minimum Support Price
[B] Main Sale Price
[C] Maximum Support Price
[D] Marginal Support Price
Answer: Minimum Support Price
45 Which industry suffered the most during colonial period?
[A] Indigo
[B] Jute
[C] Textile
[D] All the above
Answer: Jute
46 Which one is not the major causes of income inequality in India?
[A] Lack of fertile land
[B] Gap between rich and the poor
[C] Unequal distribution of land
[D] Increase in population
Answer: Lack of fertile land
47 Which scheme was started in 1993 to create self-employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth in rural areas and small towns?
[A] Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
[B] National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
[C] Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana
[D] Rural Employment Generation Programme
Answer: Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana
48 In which of the following countries did poverty actually rise from 1981 to 2001?
[A] Russia
[B] India
[C] Sub-Saharan Africa
[D] China
Answer: Sub-Saharan Africa
49 Every _________ person in India is poor
[A] fourth
[B] tenth
[C] third
[D] None of these
Answer: fourth
50 Which of the following is a social indicator of poverty laid by social scientists:
[A] Caste
[B] carpentry
[C] Health Club membership
[D] Increase in population
Answer: Illiteracy level
51 Which among the following is the method to estimate the poverty line?
[A] Income method
[B] Human method
[C] Investment method
[D] Capital method
Answer: Income method
52 There has been a significant decline in poverty in the state of
[A] Jammu and Kashmir
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Assam
[D] None
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
53 Which one is a social group from amongst the following groups vulnerable to poverty?
[A] The female daily wagers.
[B] Scheduled caste and schedule tribe households.
[C] Rural agricultural labour households.
[D] Urban casual labour households.
Answer: Scheduled caste and schedule tribe households.
54 What are accepted average calories required in India in urban areas?
[A] 2500
[B] 2400
[C] 2800
[D] 2100
Answer: 2100
55 Which state has the largest percentage of poors in India?
[A] Orissa
[B] Punjab
[C] Bihar
[D] Kerala
Answer: Orissa
56 Which one of the social groups are vulnerable to poverty?
[A] Rural agricultural households
[B] Urban casual labour
[C] Scheduled caste
[D] All of these
Answer: Scheduled caste
57 When did the most devastating Bengal famine occur?
[A] 1943
[B] 1942
[C] 1930
[D] 1940
Answer: 1943

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