
Chemical Coordination and Integration MCQs | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Answers on Chemical Coordination and Integration

What are the female gonads?
[A] Ovary
[B] Ova
[C] Testis
[D] Testicles
Answer: Ovary
(2) A person infected with HIV may not show symptoms for years.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(3) Semen is the same thing as sperm.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: False
(4) Portion of placenta contributed by the embryo is the ________
[A] Chorion
[B] Yolk sac
[C] Amnion
[D] Allantois
Answer: Chorion
(5) Which vessel transports blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the fetus?
[A] Ductus arteriosus
[B] Ductus venosus
[C] Umbilical vein
[D] Umbilical artery
Answer: Umbilical vein
(6) The period immediately after birth to four weeks of age is called ___________
[A] Senescent
[B] Adolescent
[C] Infancy
[D] Neonatal
Answer: Hypothalamus
(7) In which menstrual cycle phase does implantation occur?
[A] Menses
[B] Ovulation
[C] Secretory
[D] Proliferative
Answer: Secretory
(8) Which extra embryonic membrane encloses the embryo in a fluid filled cavity?
[A] Allantois
[B] Chorion
[C] Amnion
[D] Yolk sac
Answer: Amnion
(9) Which hormone prevents the second pregnancy during gestation?
[B] LH
[D] Progesterone
Answer: Progesterone
(10) When is it first possible to distinguish the sex of the fetus?
[A] 1st month
[B] 2nd month
[C] 3rd month
[D] 4th month
Answer: 3rd month
(11) Within which extra embryonic membrane are blood cells formed in the early stage of development?
[A] Yolk sac
[B] Allantois
[C] Chorion
[D] Allantois
Answer: Yolk sac
(12) The structure which implants in the endometrium is termed as _________
[A] Embryo
[B] Zygote
[C] Morula
[D] Blastocyst
Answer: Blastocyst
(13) Which membrane plays the greatest role in nutrient and waste exchange?
[A] Amnion
[B] Chorion
[C] Allantois
[D] Yolk sac
Answer: Chorion
(14) The maternal endometrium response to trophoblast invasion is called as a decidual reaction.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(15) Human placenta is classified as ___________
[A] Mesoeliochorial
[B] Epitheliochoria
[C] Haemochorial
[D] Endotheliochorial
Answer: Haemochorial
(16) The physical function of placenta is to function as a shock absorber.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(17) Diabetes insipidus is due to insufficient release of _________
[A] Insulin
[C] Thyroxine
[D] Glucagon
Answer: ADH
(18) Which of the following gastrointestinal hormone stimulates insulin secretion?
[C] Gastrin
[D] Secretin
Answer: GIP
(19) Which of the following element is needed for insulin to exert its maximal effect in glucose uptake?
[A] Vanadium
[B] Molybdenum
[C] Selenium
[D] Chromium
Answer: Chromium
(20) Insulin promotes _______
[A] Glucosuria
[B] Glycogenesis
[C] Glycogenolysis
[D] Gluconeogenesis
Answer: Glycogenesis

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