
Chemical Coordination and Integration MCQs | Chemical Coordination and Integration Objective Type Questions and Answers

(1) Deficiency of vasopressin causes ________
[A] Goitre
[B] Myxoedema
[C] Diabetes mellitus
[D] Diabetes insipidus
Answer: Diabetes insipidus
(2) Which of the following diseases not related to thyroid glands?
[A] Myxoedema
[B] Cretinism
[C] Acromegaly
[D] Goitre
Answer: Acromegaly
(3) Grave’s disease is due to _________
[A] Hyperactivity of thyroid gland
[B] Hyperactivity of adrenal medulla
[C] Hyperactivity of adrenal cortex
[D] Hyperactivity of islets of langerhans
Answer: Hyperactivity of thyroid gland
(4) Hypothyroidism causes in an adult ___________
[A] Obesity
[B] Diabetes
[C] Cretinism
[D] Myxoedema
Answer: Myxoedema
(5) Endostyle of Amphioxus is similar to _________
[A] Parathyroid
[B] Thymus
[C] Thyroid
[D] Thalamus
Answer: Thyroid
(6) Which of the following is not the symptom of hypothyroiditis?
[A] Accumulation of urea in blood
[B] Edema
[C] Mental retardation
[D] Lethargy
Answer: Accumulation of urea in blood
(7) Which type of epithelium is present in thyroid follicles?
[A] Squamous
[B] Cuboidal
[C] Columnar
[D] Transitional
Answer: Cuboidal
(8) Metamorphosis in frog is controlled by _________
[A] Growth hormone
[B] Insulin
[C] Vasopressin
[D] Thyroxin
Answer: Thyroxin
(9) Endemic goiter is a state of _________
[A] Increased thyroid function
[B] Decreased thyroid function
[C] Moderate thyroid function
[D] Normal thyroid function
Answer: Decreased thyroid function
(10) How many lobes are present in the thyroid?
[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4
Answer: 2
(11) Which cells produce calcitonin?
[A] C cells
[B] B cells
[C] A cells
[D] T cells
Answer: C cells
(12) Development of thyroid gland occurs in which week of intrauterine life?
[A] 12th week
[B] 15th week
[C] 4th week
[D] 7th week
Answer: 4th week
(13) The left and right lobes are joined by _________
[A] Levator
[B] Isthmus
[C] Pyramidal lobe
[D] Valve
Answer: Isthmus
(14) Enlargement of the thyroid is called _________
[A] Diabetes
[B] Goitre
[C] Cretinism
[D] Myxoedema
Answer: Goitre
(15) The four small glands in the thyroid gland are called _________
[A] Parathyroid gland
[B] Adrenal gland
[C] Pineal gland
[D] Endocrine and exocrine gland
Answer: Parathyroid gland
(16) Adrenaline and non adrenaline are hormones and act as ________
[A] Neurotransmitters
[B] Energy storing substance
[C] Food storage material
[D] Energy producing agents
Answer: Neurotransmitters
(17) Glomerular area of adrenal cortex is responsible for ________
[A] Water and electrolyte balance
[B] Steroid hormone secretion
[C] Blood pressure
[D] Carbohydrate metabolism
Answer: Water and electrolyte balance
(18) Which of the following hormone is known as flight and fight hormone?
[A] Thyroxin
[B] Adrenaline
[D] Oxytocin
Answer: Adrenaline
(19) ADH acts on ________
[A] Loop of Henle
[B] Collecting ducts of testes
[C] Collecting tubules of kidneys
Answer: Collecting tubules of kidneys
(20) Adrenal gland is derived from ________
[A] Endoderm
[B] Mesoderm
[C] Ectoderm
[D] Ectoderm and mesoderm
Answer: Ectoderm and mesoderm

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