
E-Commerce Quiz | E-Commerce Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

61 ………………..are general interest portals covering a wide range of topics and features
[A] Vertical portal
[B] horizontal portal
[C] both of these
[D] none of these
Answer: horizontal portal
62 Which among the following is an example for vertical portal ?
[A] i-village
[B] Yahoo
[C] Google
[D] None of these
Answer: i-village


63 A portal that helps to establish relations and to conduct transactions between various organizations is termed as………………
[A] B2B portals
[B] C2C portals
[C] Bothe of these
[D] None of these
Answer: B2B portals
64 A …………………….is a software that scours the internet collecting data about every website and every webpage within it
[A] spiders
[B] Search Engines
[C] robots
[D] none of these
Answer: Search Engines
65 ……………..is a card with a microchip that can be used instead of cash and coins for everything from vending machines to public transportation.
[A] Debit Card
[B] credit card
[C] Electronic purse
[D] any of these
Answer: Electronic purse
66 The user reaches this page when they specify the address of a website
[A] Home page
[B] Web page
[C] Summary page
[D] None of these
Answer: Home page
67 Which of the following is not an example for B2B e-commerce ?
[A] Invoice and shopping
[B] Sending and receiving orders
[C] all of these
[D] none of these
Answer: none of these

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