
English Literature Quiz | English Literature Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Waiting for Godot (1955) was originally written in
[A] French
[B] Russian
[C] German
[D] English
Answer: French
(2) Lord Byron was a great interpreter of
[A] Political revolution
[B] Revolutionary idealism
[C] Revolutionary iconoclasm
[D] None of these
Answer: Revolutionary iconoclasm
(3) The mystery plays dealt with-
[A] Philosophical themes
[B] Medieval themes
[C] Biblical themes
[D] Moral themes
Answer: Biblical themes
(4) Who translated the entire Mahabharata into English?
[A] R.K. Narayan
[B] P. Lal
[C] Vikram Seth
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: P. Lal
(5) Who is called the father of English classical comedy?
[A] Thomas Heywood
[B] Thomas Middleton
[C] Ben Jonson
[D] William Shakespeare
Answer: Ben Jonson
(6) Tennyson’s The Princess deals with the theme of?
[A] The new woman
[B] The aristocratic woman
[C] The illiterate woman
[D] None of these
Answer: The new woman
(7) Dryden used blank verse giving up the heroic couplet in –
[A] The Rehearsal
[B] Aurengzebe
[C] All For Love
[D] Wild Gallant
Answer: All For Love
(8) Who is known as “the peasant poet”?
[A] Sir Walter Scott
[B] Robert Southey
[C] Robert Burns
[D] John Clare
Answer: John Clare
(9) Harold Pinter was awarded the Noble Prize for Literature in:
[A] 2005
[B] 2003
[C] 2000
[D] 2002
Answer: 2005
(10) Riders to the Sea is a play written by-
[A] T.W. Robertson
[B] Harley Granville-Barker
[C] John Galsworthy
[D] all of the mentioned
Answer: J.M. Synge
(11) The Hundred’s Years war began in the year –
[A] 1356
[B] 1338
[C] 1348
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: 1338
(12) Who gave the Romantic period the title of The Renaissance of Wonder in Poetry ?
[A] Theodore Watts
[B] Professor Herford
[C] William Shakespeare
[D] William Wordsworth
Answer: Theodore Watts
(13) The Globe was set on fire in the year-
[A] 1613
[B] 1616
[C] 1612
[D] 1620
Answer: 1613
(14) Who is renowned as a poet ‘in exile from himself’ ?
[A] Nissim Ezekiel
[B] Dilip Kumar Roy
[C] Gieve Patel
[D] None of the above
Answer: Nissim Ezekiel
(15) The theatre ‘The Globe’ was built in the year-
[A] 1598
[B] 1600
[C] 1590
[D] None of the above
Answer: 1598
(16) Ernest Hemingway was greatly influenced by Ezra Pound and
[A] Gertrude Stein
[B] Thomas James Farrell
[C] Henry James
[D] None of the above is correct.
Answer: Gertrude Stein
(17) The Puritan attack on Elizabeth took place in the year-
[A] 1579
[B] 1590
[C] 1569
[D] 1558
Answer: 1579
(18) Auden’s The Sea and the Mirror is a response to
[A] Shakespeare
[B] Milton
[C] Yeats
[D] Freud
Answer: Shakespeare
(19) The lines, “What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty” are from the play?
[A] King Lear
[B] Macbeth
[C] Othello
[D] Hamlet
Answer: Hamlet
(20) The phrase ‘Religion of the blood’ is associated with
[A] Reduced training costs
[B] Virginia Woolf
[C] H.G. Wells
[D] E.M. Forster
Answer: D.H. Lawrence