
File Management in Operating System Quiz | File Management in Operating System Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) File type can be represented by ____________
[A] file extension
[B] file identifier
[C] file name
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: file extension
(2) What is the mounting of file system?
[A] attaching portion of the file system into a directory structure
[B] removing the portion of the file system into a directory structure
[C] crating of a filesystem
[D] deleting a filesystem
Answer: attaching portion of the file system into a directory structure
(3) Mapping of file is managed by ____________
[A] virtual memory
[B] file metadata
[C] file system
[D] None of the above
Answer: file metadata
(4) Which one of the following explains the sequential file access method?
[A] random access according to the given byte number
[B] read/write randomly by record
[C] read bytes one at a time, in order
[D] read/write sequentially by record
Answer: random access according to the given byte number
(5) When will file system fragmentation occur?
[A] unused space or single file are not contiguous
[B] used space is not contiguous
[C] unused space is non-contiguous
[D] multiple files are non-contiguous
Answer: unused space or single file are not contiguous
(6) A basic element of data in a file.
[A] Field
[B] Memory
[C] Record
[D] None of the above
Answer: Field
(7) __________________ refers to the logical structuring of records.
[A] File organisation
[B] Structural organisation
[C] Physical organisation
[D] Logical organisation
Answer: File organisation
(8) ___________ itself is a file owned by the operating system
[A] Directory
[B] Database
[C] Logical file
[D] Record
Answer: Directory
(9) Allocated size of a file comes under?
[A] address information
[B] usage information
[C] access control information
[D] basic information
Answer: address information
(10) When access is granted to append or update a file to more than one user, the OS or file management system must enforce discipline. This is _________
[A] Simultaneous access
[B] Division
[C] Compaction
[D] External Fragmentation
Answer: Simultaneous access
(11) The user can load and execute a program but cannot copy it. This process is?
[A] Updating
[B] Appending
[C] Execution
[D] None of the above
Answer: Execution
(12) Which of the following is not a part of the usage information?
[A] owner
[B] data created
[C] last date modified
[D] identity of creator
Answer: owner
(13) Directories, pricing tables, schedules and name lists are the examples of ……………….
[A] Direct files
[B] Indexed Sequential files
[C] Indexed files
[D] None of the above
Answer: Direct files
(14) An interactive user or a process has associated with pathname is a current directory which is often referred to as the …………………….
[A] working directory
[B] list directory
[C] update directory
[D] create directory
Answer: working directory
(15) ……………………….. are small fixed portions which provide greater flexibility which may require large tables or complex structures for their allocation.
[A] Blocks
[B] Partitions
[C] Columns
[D] Segments
Answer: Blocks
(16) In ………………………….. method, the file allocation table contains a separate one level index for each file, the index has one entry for each portion allocated to the file.
[A] Variable allocation
[B] Contiguous allocation
[C] Chained allocation
[D] Indexed allocation
Answer: Indexed allocation
(17) Typically, ………………… is on an individual block basis where each block contains a pointer to the next block in the chain.
[A] Variable allocation
[B] Indexed allocation
[C] Chained allocation
[D] ontiguous allocation
Answer: Chained allocation
(18) …………………. are often used where very rapid access is required, where fixed length records are used, and where records are always accessed one at a time.
[A] Direct files
[B] Indexed Sequential files
[C] Indexed files
[D] Sequential files
Answer: Direct files
(19) ………………….. is a preallocation strategy, using variable size portions where the file allocation table needs just a single entry for each file, showing the starting block and the length of the file.
[A] Contiguous allocation
[B] Variable allocation
[C] Chained allocation
[D] Indexed allocation
Answer: Contiguous allocation
(20) …………………… are used mostly in applications where data are rarely processed exhaustively.
[A] sequential file
[B] indexed file
[C] indexed sequential file
[D] pile
Answer: indexed file