
Human Geography Quiz | Human Geography Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

61 Green revolution came in __________ :
[A] 1940
[B] 1950
[C] 1960
[D] 1970
Answer: 1960
62 Green revolution started in _________ :
[A] China
[B] Philippines
[C] Mexico
[D] Indonesia
Answer: Mexico


63 ________ being the 5th largest producer in the world is the only exported of wheat in Europe:
[A] England
[B] France
[C] Norway
[D] Netherlands
Answer: France
64 ________ is the only country of Middle Est which is among the top 25 producers of the world:
[A] Iraq
[B] Kuwait
[C] Iran
[D] Saudi Arabia
Answer: Saudi Arabia
65 One hector of land is equal to ________ acres:
[A] 2.27
[B] 2.37
[C] 2.47
[D] 2.57
Answer: 2.47
66 According to economists, one power driven machine replace almost _________ workers:
[A] 40
[B] 50
[C] 60
[D] 70
Answer: 50
67 Primitive agriculture started probably in ___________ :
[A] Middle East
[B] South East Asia
[C] Both (A) and (B)
[D] None of these
Answer: Middle East
68 After leaving the forest man shifted to _________ :
[A] Sea Shores
[B] Platues
[C] River Valleys
[D] None of these
Answer: River Valleys
69 _________ is the most primitive type of agriculture:
[A] Slash and Burn
[B] Horticulture
[C] Mechanical
[D] None of these
Answer: Slash and Burn
70 Agriculture started ________ years ago:
[A] 10,000 - 20,000
[B] 20,000 - 20,000
[C] 30,000 - 20,000
[D] None of these
Answer: 10,000 - 20,000
71 Domestication of Plants and animals is known as _________:
[A] Domesticulture
[B] Agriculture
[C] Domesticology
[D] Horticulture
Answer: Agriculture
72 According to Malthus theory of population, population grow:
[A] Geometrically
[B] Vertically
[C] Horizontly
[D] Linearly
Answer: Geometrically
73 According to Malthus theory of population, resources grow __________ :
[A] Geometrically
[B] Vertically
[C] Speedily
[D] Linearly
Answer: Linearly
74 Darwin's book 'Origin of Species' was published in ______ :
[A] 1858
[B] 1859
[C] 1960
[D] 1961
Answer: 1859
75 _________ is the most urbanized country in South Asia:
[A] Pakistan
[B] India
[C] Bangladesh
[D] Nepal
Answer: Pakistan
76 World population growth rate is _________ %:
[A] 1.4
[B] 1.5
[C] 1.6
[D] 1.7
Answer: 1.4
77 Population growth rate of Russia is ________ %:
[A] -0.4
[B] -0.5
[C] -0.6
[D] -0.7
Answer: -0.7
78 Latin America is _________ :
[A] A Continent
[B] Communist Block
[C] A Linguistic Block
[D] Anti-US Block
Answer: A Linguistic Block
79 China is the largest ______ of wheat in the world:
[A] Consumer
[B] Exporter
[C] Producer
[D] Both (A) and (B)
Answer: Both (A) and (B)
80 The USA is largest _______ of wheat in the world:
[A] Exporter
[B] Producer
[C] Consumer
[D] Both (A) and (B)
Answer: Exporter

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