
Learning in Psychology Quiz | Learning in Psychology Short Questions and Answers

41 According to Skinnerian Operant conditioning theory, a negative reinforcement is:
[A] An instinctive drift
[B] A withdrawing or removal of a positive reinforcer
[C] A biofeedback
[D] None of the above
Answer: A withdrawing or removal of a positive reinforcer
42 Behaviour therapists believe that the respon¬dent or classical conditioning is effective in dealing with the non-voluntary automatic behaviour, whereas the operant one is success-ful predominantly with motor and cognitive behaviours, Thus, unadaptive habits such as nail biting, trichotillomania, enuresis encopresis, thumb sucking etc. are satisfactorily dealt within the :
[A] Operant Method
[B] Trial and Error Method
[C] Classical Method
[D] None of the above
Answer: Operant Method


43 Aversion is one of the conditioning procedures used in:
[A] Behaviour therapy
[B] Chemotherapy
[C] Non-directive therapy
[D] None of the above
Answer: Behaviour therapy
44 In continuous reinforcement schedule (CRF), every appropriate response:
[A] Is reinforced
[B] Is not reinforced
[C] Is sometimes reinforced
[D] None of the above
Answer: Is reinforced
45 In real life, reinforcement of every response (CRF) is:
[A] Of the nature of an exception rather than the rule
[B] Impossible
[C] Necessary
[D] None of the above
Answer: Of the nature of an exception rather than the rule
46 Which schedule of reinforcement is a ratio schedule stating a ratio of responses to rein-forcements?
[A] Fixed Ratio Schedule
[B] Variable Interval Schedule
[C] Variable Ratio Schedule
[D] None of the above
Answer: Fixed Ratio Schedule
47 The expression “Contingencies of reinforce¬ment” occurs frequently in:
[A] Trial and Error Learning Literature
[B] Latent Learning Literature
[C] Operant Conditioning Literature
[D] None of the above
Answer: Trial and Error Learning Literature
48 Who illucidates the contiguity theory of rein¬forcement in the most pronounced and con-sistent manner?
[A] Guthrie
[B] Mc Dougall
[C] C. Hull
[D] J. B. Watson
Answer: Guthrie
49 In comparison with drive-reduction or need- reduction interpretation, stimulus intensity reduction theory has an added advantage in that:
[A] It has some mathematical derivations which are conducive for learning theo¬rists
[B] All learning theories can be explained through this
[C] It offers a unified account of primary and learned drives as also of primary and conditioned reinforcement
[D] None of the above
Answer: It has some mathematical derivations which are conducive for learning theo¬rists
50 Who preferred to call Classical Conditioning” by the name of “Sign Learning”?
[A] Mowrer
[B] Guthrie
[C] W. Kohler
[D] None of the above
Answer: Mowrer

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