By using Springroove splicing technique, what is the value of mean insertion loss for multi mode graded index fiber?
Answer: 0.05
Answer: 0.05
Answer: Mechanical
A. Pressing of fiber ends for fusion
B. Application of heat for smoothening of end-surfaces
C. Alignment of broken fiber edges
Answer: C, B, A
Answer: Lateral
Answer: Raman Effect
Answer: square of electric field
Answer: All of the above
Answer: Impurity atoms in glass material
Answer: LSZH
Answer: Plastic fiber optic cable
Answer: Photonic bandgap fiber
Answer: PCVD
Answer: Light Collection
Answer: External Reflection
Answer: 1.36
Answer: As an evanescent wave
Answer: Both a and b
Answer: Second
Answer: Linear Circuitry
Answer: Recoding to match output standard