
Optical Fiber Communication Quiz | Optical Fiber Communication MCQs and Answers

81 Which among the following stages is/are adopted in Splice Loss Experiment?
[A] Translational
[B] Rotational
[C] Both a and b
[D] None of the above
Answer: Both a and b
82 In chromatic dispersion, which parameter for the modulation of the received signal is measured with the help of a vector voltmeter?
[A] Amplitude
[B] Frequency
[C] Phase
[D] Period
Answer: Phase


83 For measuring the shape of input pulse in time-domain intermodal dispersion method, the test fiber is replaced by another fiber whose length is less than ___ of the test fiber.
[A] 1%
[B] 5%
[C] 10%
[D] 20%
Answer: 1%
84 Why is an electrical isolation required between several portions of an electronic circuit?
[A] Provision of high voltage protection
[B] Reduction in noise level
[C] Both a & b
[D] None of the above
Answer: Both a & b
85 Basically, solitons are pulses which propagates through the fiber without showing any variation in ______
[A] Amplitude
[B] Velocity
[C] Shape
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
86 Which band/s specify/ies the operation range of Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)?
[A] By O band
[B] By C band
[C] By S band
[D] All of the above
Answer: By C band
87 In an optical network, increase in the number of lasers ________the bit rate.
[A] Increases
[B] Stabilizes
[C] Decreases
[D] None of the above
Answer: Increases
88 Which among the following parameters is/are decided by the front-end of a receiver?
[A] Sensitivity
[B] Bandwidth
[C] Both a and b
[D] None of the above
Answer: Both a and b
89 Which nature of charge carriers give rise to the current fluctuations thereby resulting into the generation of shot noise?
[A] Continuous
[B] Discrete
[C] Sampled
[D] All of the above
Answer: Discrete
90 On which factor/s do/does the response time of photodiode depend/s?
[A] Diffusion time of photo carriers outside the depletion region
[B] Diffusion time of photo carriers within the depletion region
[C] RC time constant
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
91 In an eye-diagram, digital signals with very bad interference resembles the shape of _____
[A] circle
[B] rectangle
[C] triangle
[D] straight line
Answer: straight line

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