
Public Finance Questions and Answers | Public Finance Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) The concept of matter wave was suggested by_________
[A] Heisenberg
[B] de Broglie
[C] Schrodinger
[D] Laplace
Answer: de Broglie
(2) The intensity of the diffraction pattern is proportional to ______ of the wave function
[A] forth power
[B] cube
[C] sixth power
[D] square
Answer: square


(3) The function representing matter waves must be ________
[A] complex
[B] real
[C] zero
[D] infinity
Answer: complex
(4) The total probability of finding the particle in space must be __________
[A] zero
[B] unity
[C] infinity
[D] double
Answer: unity
(5) The normalized wave function must have ________ norm
[A] infinite
[B] zero
[C] finite
[D] complext.
Answer: finite
(6) The Non-normalized wave function must have ________ norm

[A] infinite
[B] zero
[C] finite
[D] complex
Answer: infinite
(7) For normalized wave function ψ→0 as r→___
[A] 0
[B] 1
[C] α
[D] -1
Answer: α
(8) The square of the magnitude of the wave function is called_________
[A] current density
[B] probability density
[C] zero density
[D] volume density
Answer: probability density
(9) The operator ∇2is called _______ operator
[A] Hamiltonian
[B] Laplacian
[C] Poisson
[D] vector
Answer: Laplacian
(10) _________ principle states that the actual path taken by the light ray is one which minimizes the integral
[A] Heisenberg
[B] Hamilton’s
[C] Maupertuis’
[D] Fermat’s
Answer: Maupertuis’

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