Answer: Neither Sat nor Asat
Answer: Neither Sat nor Asat
Answer: Kapāla-samyoga
Answer: Paramānus of Ksiti , teja and maruta
Answer: Svarūpa
Answer: Nimittakāra a
Answer: Bodies act as if there were no souls, and souls act as if there were no bodies, but both act as if one influenced the other.
Code :
Answer: Only (iii) is true
Code :
Answer: Only (iii) is true.
Answer: Gandhi
Code :
Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Answer: Naiyāyikās
Answer: Vedanta and Mimāmsa
Answer: Jahat – Ajahat lak a ā
Answer: Apohavāda