
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 10

(1) Identify the correct chronological order of the developments of events related to federalism in India.
(1) Anandpur Sahib Resolution, Rajamannar committee, Punchhi Commission, West Bengal Memorandum.
(2) West Bengal Memorandum, Rajamannar Committee, Anandpur Sahib Resolution, Punchhi Commission
(3) Rajamannar Committee, West Bengal Memorandum, Anandpur Sahib Resolution, Punchhi Commission
(4) Rajamannar Committee, Anandpur Sahib Resolution, West Bengal Memorandum, Punchhi Commission .
Answer: Rajamannar Committee, Anandpur Sahib Resolution, West Bengal Memorandum, Punchhi Commission
(2) Who described Indian capitalism as “Dharmashala Capitalism” ?
(1) V.K.R.V. Rao
(2) J. Bhagwati
(3) Amartya Sen
(4) Raj Krishna
Answer: Raj Krishna
(3) Which of the following is not associated with electoral reforms in India ?
(1) Tarkunde Committee
(2) Dinesh Goswami Committee
(3) N.N. Vohra Committee
(4) Indrajit Gupta Committee
Answer: N.N. Vohra Committee
(4) Which of the following is the nodal agency for budget implementation in India ?
(1) Parliament
(2) Public Accounts Committee
(3) Ministry of Finance
(4) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Answer: Ministry of Finance
(5) In India, the term deficit financing was first defined by
(1) First Five Year Plan
(2) Finance Commission
(3) Administrative Reforms Commission
(4) A.D. Gorwala Report
Answer: First Five Year Plan
(6) Which of the following types of bureaucracy regards itself as the custodian of public interest but is independent of and unresponsive to public opinion ?
(1) Merit bureaucracy
(2) Caste bureaucracy
(3) Patronage bureaucracy
(4) Guardian bureaucracy
Answer: Guardian bureaucracy
(7) Which one of the following ministries is an example of ministry formed on the basis of clientele principle ?
(1) Ministry of Defence
(2) Ministry of Human Resource Development
(3) Ministry of Agriculture
(4) Ministry of Law
Answer: Ministry of Agriculture
(8) Who of the following belongs to British School of Realism ?
(1) Reinhold Niebuhr
(2) N.J. Spykman
(3) Quincy Wright
(4) Hedley Bull
Answer: Hedley Bull
(9) Which one of the following contentions of Isaiah Berlin is not true in the context of resurgence of political theory (political philosophy) ?
(1) Politics exists in a society where ends collide. In a liberal order political theory can never see its end.
(2) The responsibility for causing decline of political theory should be laid on rank empiricists who have displaced classical tradition.
(3) Political theory shall continue to exist as a result of the inquisitive and rational inquiry of man.
(4) He is sheptical about the resurgence of political theory (philosophy).
Answer: He is sheptical about the resurgence of political theory (philosophy).
(10) The notion of ‘Balance of Terror’ is related to
(1) Global Terrorism
(2) Counter Terrorist strategies
(3) Terrorist activities of drug traffickers
(4) Over-kill capacity emanating from nuclear weapons.
Answer: Over-kill capacity emanating from nuclear weapons.
(11) Which one of the following is not a major assumption of balance of power ?
(1) States are determined to protect vital national interests.
(2) Vital national interests may be threatened.
(3) Relative power positions of the states can be measured.
(4) States apply moral parameters for assessing others’ behaviour
Answer: States apply moral parameters for assessing others’ behaviour
(12) Which country/countries refused to accept legally binding emission cuts following Kyoto Protocol ?
(1) India
(2) China
(3) India and China both
(4) Sweden
Answer: India and China both
(13) Which leader of the USSR introduced the policy of ‘peaceful-coexistence’ ?
(1) Mikhail Gorbachev
(2) N. Khrushchev
(3) L. Brezhnev
(4) Joseph Stalin
Answer: N. Khrushchev
(14) At the end of cold war Francis Fukuyama constructed the thesis of ‘end of history’ which meant :
(1) The world would no longer be unfolding events.
(2) The tension and conflict would cease to exist at global level.
(3) Ideological struggles had come to an end.
(4) Ideological struggles would be waged with new vigour
Answer: Ideological struggles had come to an end.
(15) NATO’s partnership for peace programme was aimed at
(1) Incorporating ex-Eastern bloc states into the organisation.
(2) Tackling problem of Serbs in Bosnia.
(3) Implementing military action against Yugoslavia.
(4) Taking action against Al Asad Regime in Syria.
Answer: Incorporating ex-Eastern bloc states into the organisation.

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