
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 12

(1) The House of Lords in Great Britain is mainly retained because
(1) It is as important as the House of Commons.
(2) It plays an important role of checks and balances.
(3) It acts as a judicial court.
(4) It is maintained as an institution.
Answer: It is maintained as an institution.
(2) The growth of judicial power over the last one hundred years in liberal democracies have taken place because
(1) The constitutions have given the judiciary more powers.
(2) Acceptance of the theory of separation of powers.
(3) The U.N. Directives.
(4) Protect Human Rights.
Answer: Protect Human Rights.
(3) Environmental Green parties originated from
(1) Breakaway from main stream political parties.
(2) Pressure of public opinion
(3) Emergence of a planetary consciousness
(4) New social movements
Answer: New social movements
(4) Duverger’s theory asserts that a two party system emerges in a
(1) representational parliamentary system.
(2) homogeneous political order.
(3) welfare state
(4) a majoritarian parliamentary system.
Answer: a majoritarian parliamentary system.
(5) The first use of the concept of political culture was made by
(1) Gabriel Almond
(2) G. Bingham Powell, Jr.
(3) Karl Deutseh
(4) Lucian Pye
Answer: Gabriel Almond
(6) “India since 1989 has witnessed fewer abuses of power by Prime Ministers than the United Kingdom experienced under either Margaret Thatcher or Tony Blair”. Whose statement is this ?
(1) Atul Kohli
(2) Granville Austin
(3) James Manor
(4) Christophe Jafferlot
Answer: James Manor
(7) Which one of the following orientations is not a part of the basic types of political culture ?
(1) Cognitive orientations
(2) Affective orientations
(3) Evaluative orientations
(4) Individual orientations
Answer: Individual orientations
(8) The progressive comparativists in political development do not emphasize in one of the following :
(1) Under development
(2) Dependency
(3) Imperialism
(4) Modernization
Answer: Modernization
(9) Who describes Indian federation as a “holding together federation and not a ‘coming together federation” ?
(1) P. Bardhan
(2) R.L. Watts
(3) Douglas Verney
(4) D.D. Basu
Answer: P. Bardhan
(10) The Theory of Modernization and decay is formulated by
(1) Rostow
(2) Pye
(3) Huntington
(4) Lipset
Answer: Huntington
(11) Which of the following is not an essential prerequisite for making elitism compatible with democracy in Schumpeter ?
(1) The calibre of politicians must be high.
(2) Mandal Commission
(3) Competition is to take place within a relatively restricted range.
(4) A well organised party system.
Answer: A well organised party system.
(12) Beliefs and symbols are the distinctive features of the notion of authority in
(1) Marx
(2) Parsons
(3) Verba
(4) Weber
Answer: Weber
(13) Who among the following was the first to advance the idea of worker’s participation in management ?
(1) Henry Fayol
(2) Herbert Simon
(3) F.W. Taylor
(4) Mary Parker Follet
Answer: Mary Parker Follet
(14) Who among the following has criticized classical theory as ‘homely proverbs, myths, slogans and pompous identities’ ?
(1) W.F. Willougbhy
(2) Luther Gulick
(3) Henri Fayol
(4) Herbert Simon
Answer: Herbert Simon
(15) Regarding the Interim Government of 1946, which of the following is not correct ?
(1) Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister/Head of the Executive Council.
(2) Jawaharlal Nehru was designated as the Vice-President of the Viceroy’s Executive Council.
(3) The Viceroy continued to be the Head of the Executive Council.
(4) The members of the Interim Government were members of viceroy’s Executive Council.
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister/Head of the Executive Council.

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