
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 13

(1) Which one of the following statements is not correct regarding Certiorari ?
(1) A High Court can issue a writ against itself in its administrative capacity.
(2) A bench of a High Court can issue a writ to another bench of the same High Court.
(3) A High Court cannot issue a writ to another High Court.
(4) A High Court can issue certiorari to a tribunal situated within its jurisdiction.
Answer: A bench of a High Court can issue a writ to another bench of the same High Court.
(2) In which one of the following cases the Supreme Court of India used the principle of “continuing mandamus” ?
(1) S.P. Gupta Vs. Union of India
(2) Sunil Batra I.Vs. Delhi Administration
(3) Vineet Narain Vs. Union of India
(4) Sagir Ahmad Vs. State of U.P.
Answer: Vineet Narain Vs. Union of India
(3) Who was the first President of India to make use of ‘Pocket Veto’ ?
(1) Zakir Hussain
(2) Sanjeeva Reddy
(3) R. Venkatraman
(4) Gyani Zail Singh
Answer: Gyani Zail Singh
(4) Who said Indian federalism is “a new kind of federation to meet India’s peculiar needs” ?
(1) Granville Austin
(2) Ivor Jenneigs
(3) Alexandrowicz
(4) Ronald Wats
Answer: Granville Austin
(5) Adi Ambedkar Samaj movement is related to which State ?
(1) Maharashtra
(2) Punjab
(3) Rajasthan
(4) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Punjab
(6) Who was the Chairman of the Group of Interlocutors for Jammu and Kashmir ?
(1) T.S.R. Subramanian
(2) Dilip Padgaonkar
(3) Radha Kumar
(4) Dr. Karan Singh
Answer: Dilip Padgaonkar
(7) Which of the following statements is true about the constitution of P.K. Thungan Committee ?
(1) To consider the type of political and administrative structure needed in the District Planning.
(2) To consider the administrative arrangements for rural Development.
(3) To consider the need for decentralized planning.
(4) For drawing guidelines for Block level planning.
Answer: To consider the type of political and administrative structure needed in the District Planning.
(8) When did the Communist Party of India (Marxist) emerge as a separate political party ?
(1) 1960
(2) 1964
(3) 1968
(4) 1973
Answer: 1964
(9) Who described the critical and creative role of politics in India as “the Indian model of development” ?
(1) Rajni Kothari
(2) Amartya Sen
(3) Jagdish Bhagwati
(4) James Maner
Answer: Rajni Kothari
(10) Who among the following made a significant contribution to theories of the Interaction between social dominance and state power in contemporary India ?
(1) Francine R. Frankel & M.S.A. Rao
(2) Myron Weiner
(3) Lloyd and Susane Rudolph
(4) Partha Chatterjee
Answer: Francine R. Frankel & M.S.A. Rao
(11) Which one of the following Committees opposed the state funding of elections in India ?
(1) Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy
(2) Indrajit Gupta
(3) Tarkunde
(4) Dinesh Goswami
Answer: Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy
(12) Which of the following newspaper is managed by a trust in India ?
(1) Times of India
(2) Indian Express
(3) Hindu
(4) Tribune
Answer: Tribune
(13) Which one of the following stages of evolution of public administration is called the era of politics administration dichotomy ?
(1) First stage
(2) Second stage
(3) Third stage
(4) Fourth stage
Answer: First stage
(14) ‘Squealer’ in the Human Relations theory is
(1) one who does too much work.
(2) one who does too little work.
(3) one who absents himself from work.
(4) one who communicates detrimental information about others to the supervisor.
Answer: one who communicates detrimental information about others to the supervisor.
(15) Who among the following has defined budget as “a series of goals with price tags attached” ?
(1) Wildavsky
(2) Paul Appleby
(3) Chester Barnard
(4) John D. Millet
Answer: Wildavsky

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