
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 14

(1) Who among the following is the creator of Zero-Based-Budgeting ?
(1) Hoover Commission
(2) Peter A. Phyrr
(3) Herbert Simon
(4) Gug Peters
Answer: Peter A. Phyrr
(2) Who among the former Prime Ministers had observed that “only a committed bureaucracy could bring about social transformation…..” ?
(1) Jawaharlal Nehru
(2) Morarji Desai
(3) Indira Gandhi
(4) V.P. Singh
Answer: Morarji Desai
(3) The purpose of an adjournment motion is to
(1) seek the leave of the House to introduce a bill.
(2) censure the Government
(3) propose a reduction in the budget.
(4) draw the attention of the House to a matter of urgent public importance.
Answer: draw the attention of the House to a matter of urgent public importance.
(4) The First attempt to confer constitutional status on rural local government was made by
(1) the 64th Constitutional Amendment Bill
(2) the 68th Constitutional Amendment Bill
(3) the 72nd Constitutional Amendment Bill
(4) the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act
Answer: the 64th Constitutional Amendment Bill
(5) Which one of the following Commissions/Committees has recommended legal protection to whistle blowers ?
(1) First Administrative Reforms Commission
(2) Second Administrative Reforms Commission
(3) Vohra Committee
(4) Election Commission
Answer: Second Administrative Reforms Commission
(6) Which one of the following arrangements was not visualized by Morton Kaplan ?
(1) Balance of Power
(2) Tight bipolar system
(3) Loose bipolar system
(4) Unipolar system
Answer: Unipolar system
(7) Which one of the following is not the technique of the balance of power ?
(1) Amassing of weapons
(2) Seizing of territory
(3) Methods of persuasion.
(4) Creating of buffer states
Answer: Methods of persuasion
(8) In 1999 NATO acted against Serbia accusing of indulging in act of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Kosovo. To this, other major powers such as Russia and China reacted as under :
(1) Russia criticised NATO acting without UN approval.
(2) China described NATO act as illegal
(3) Both Russia and China criticised NATO acting without UN approval
(4) Russia and China remained non-committal on the issue.
Answer: Both Russia and China criticised NATO acting without UN approval
(9) Which one of the following was not the basis invoked by the US for attacking Iraq in March, 2003 ?
(1) Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
(2) Saddam Hussain had links with Al Quaeda.
(3) Regime Change in Iraq
(4) Iraq had not withdrawn from Kuwait completely.
Answer: Iraq had not withdrawn from Kuwait completely.
(10) ‘Common but differentiated’ responsibility principle on climate mitigation agenda emerged from
(1) Kyoto Protocol
(2) Rio Earth Summit
(3) Rio + 20
(4) Paris Climate Conference
Answer: Kyoto Protocol
(11) Which of the following Republic/Republics was/were supported by Russia in Georgian war of 2008 ?
(1) South Ossettia
(2) South Ossettia and Abkhazia both
(3) Abkhazia
(4) Nogorno Karabakh
Answer: South Ossettia and Abkhazia both
(12) As per United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS) states are entitled for Jurisdiction over sea water as under :
(1) three miles from sea shore as territorial waters.
(2) twelve miles from the shore for shipping.
(3) two hundred miles as Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
(4) all the three jurisdictions.
Answer: all the three jurisdictions.
(13) India’s good neighbourhood policy based on the principle of non-reciprocity is attributed to
(1) P.V. Narashima Rao
(2) Inder Kumar Gujral
(3) A.B. Vajpayee
(4) Rajiv Gandhi
Answer: Inder Kumar Gujral
(14) Sir John Chilcot Commission has indicated
(1) U.K. for its conduct in US led NATO war in Afghanistan
(2) U.K. for its conduct in Iraq war in 2003
(3) US for its invasion in Iraq in 2003
(4) Russia for its attacks in Syria
Answer: U.K. for its conduct in Iraq war in 2003
(15) The Washington consensus did not stand for
(1) Fiscal discipline
(2) Tax reforms
(3) Financial and Trade Liberlisation
(4) State Controlled Market System
Answer: State Controlled Market System

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