
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 15

(1) Under Bush Doctrine, the USA held states responsible for activities inside their territories and thus acquired the right to
(1) act unilaterally against rogue and failed states.
(2) act against states which were opposed to it ideologically.
(3) move against states which refused to join in drive for NATO expansion.
(4) intervene in situations of ethnic cleansing.
Answer: act unilaterally against rogue and failed states.
(2) The US stopped cultivating ties with Taliban regime in Afghanistan after
(1) 9/11 attacks in the US
(2) attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
(3) attack on US military mission headquarter in Riyadh
(4) failures of talks on gas pipeline through Afghanisatan
Answer: attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
(3) Who among the following statesmen described USSR as an ‘evil empire’ ?
(1) John F. Kennedy
(2) Ronald Regan
(3) Richard Nixon
(4) Henry Kissinger
Answer: Ronald Regan
(4) Who among the following described the welfare state as a kind of enslavement ?
(1) Rawls
(2) T.H. Green
(3) Michael Walzer
(4) R. Nozick
Answer: R. Nozick
(5) Who said Revolution meant a drastic sudden substitution of one group in charge of the running of a territorial political entity by another ?
(1) Hannah Arendt
(2) Theda Skocpol
(3) Crane Brinton
(4) Hubert Johnson
Answer: Crane Brinton
(6) Who among the following wrote the article entitled “The Behavioural Approach in Political Science : Epitaph for a Monument to a Successful Protest” ?
(1) Heinz Eulaei
(2) M.Q. Sibley
(3) R.A. Dahl
(4) David Easton
Answer: R.A. Dahl
(7) Which approach treats state as an institution intended for creation and enforcement of law and refuses to treat it as a social organisation ?
(1) Legal – institutional approach
(2) Political economy approach
(3) Normative approach
(4) Comparative approach
Answer: Legal – institutional approach
(8) Which of the following statements about the proposals of the Cabinet Mission is incorrect ?
(1) There would be a Union of India comprising of both British India and the States.
(2) The Union would have an executive and a legislature consisting of representatives of the provinces and the states.
(3) All residuary powers would belong to the Union of India.
(4) The provinces would be free to form groups with executives and legislatures
Answer: All residuary powers would belong to the Union of India.
(9) The word ‘socialist’ in the Preamble does not imply :
(1) Equal distribution of the national wealth
(2) Social ownership of principal means of production
(3) Nationalization of means of production
(4) Provide a decent standard of life to the working people
Answer: Equal distribution of the national wealth
(10) By which Constitutional Amendment Act, protection of freedom of expression was withdrawn from those who advocate secession from the Union of India ?
(1) 14th Constitutional Amendment Act
(2) 16th Constitutional Amendment Act
(3) 18th Constitutional Amendment Act
(4) 20th Constitutional Amendment Act
Answer: 16th Constitutional Amendment Act
(11) Of the following, which group of states has more than 30 Lok Sabha constituencies ?
(1) Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu
(2) Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Rajasthan
(3) Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh
(4) Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu
Answer: Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu
(12) At which stage of the evolution of public administration, the ‘public’ aspect of public administration was virtually dropped and the focus shifted to ‘efficiency’ ?
(1) First stage
(2) Second stage
(3) Third stage
(4) Fourth stage
Answer: First stage
(13) L.D. White defines O & M as the ‘improvement of all aspects of transacting business with special emphasis on :
(1) Organisation and efficiency
(2) Procedures and flow of business
(3) Organisation and command
(4) Procedures and relationships
Answer: Procedures and relationships
(14) Which one of the following is not associated with ‘Garbage Can Model’ of decisionmaking ?
(1) Michael D. Cohen
(2) Amitai Etzioni
(3) James G. March
(4) Johan P. Olsen
Answer: Amitai Etzioni
(15) Participatory management became popular during and after the advent of :
(1) Scientific Management Theory
(2) Bureaucratic Theory
(3) Human Relations Theory
(4) Systems Theory
Answer: Human Relations Theory

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