
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 16

(1) Which one of the following is not correct in Herbert Simon’s concept of decision-making ?
(1) Combination of value and factual elements is not possible in a single decision.
(2) Decisions in an organisation are not made by a single individual.
(3) Activities get their value from means-ends relationship.
(4) Decisions can be evaluated only in terms of their factual element.
Answer: Combination of value and factual elements is not possible in a single decision.
(2) The civil services examination based on the recommendations of Kothari Committee Report of 1976, was first conducted in :
(1) 1977
(2) 1978
(3) 1979
(4) 1982
Answer: 1979
(3) Which of the following approaches to the study of international relations, the concept of national interests finds an important place _____.
(1) Liberal approach
(2) Realist approach
(3) Marxist approach
(4) Traditional approach
Answer: Realist approach
(4) Who was the first scholar to use the term “Public Diplomacy” ?
(1) Edmund Gulien
(2) Eugene Black
(3) R. Cohen
(4) Harold Nicolson
Answer: Edmund Gulien
(5) Ann Tickmen is a famous
(1) Realist
(2) Feminist
(3) Liberalist
(4) Marxist
Answer: Feminist
(6) Which one of the following is not part of ‘Three Pillars’ of R2P (Responsibility to Protect) ?
(1) If a state fails to protect its population, International community take collective action in accordance with the UN Charter
(2) It is state’s responsibility to protect its population from four mass atrocity crimes
(3) It is the responsibility of International Community to protect people from crimes against humanity
(4) International Community’s responsibility to assist individual states in meeting the responsibility
Answer: It is the responsibility of International Community to protect people from crimes against humanity
(7) In which year the Right to Development was declared as a Human Right by the United Nations General Assembly ?
(1) 1980
(2) 1986
(3) 1998
(4) 2006
Answer: 1986
(8) Who among the following held the view that political theory was political science in the full sense and there could be no science without theory. … so political theory may legitimately and accurately be used as synonymous with political science ?
(1) Germino
(2) Wolin
(3) Crick
(4) Hacker
Answer: Germino
(9) Which of the following is not a reason for the decline of political theory ?
(1) Positivism
(2) Moral relativism
(3) Historicism
(4) Normativism
Answer: Normativism
(10) Which of the following statements of John Rawl’s theory of Justice is not true ?
(1) It is primarily concerned with the issue of distributive justice.
(2) Justice as fairness is a theory designed to apply the ‘basic structure’ – the political, social and economic institutions of society.
(3) The first principle of justice is equal basic liberty principle.
(4) The one of the conditions of the second principle is indifference principle.
Answer: The one of the conditions of the second principle is indifference principle.
(11) Who among the following described Aurobindo as ‘a poet of patriotism, prophet of nationalism and lover of humanity’ ?
(1) M.N. Roy
(2) R.P. Dutt
(3) C.R. Das
(4) Vivekananda
Answer: C.R. Das
(12) With which author’s book J.S. Mill’s “Essay on Liberty” is fit to be compared ?
(1) Milton’s Areopagitica
(2) Locke’s Essay on Human Understanding
(3) Sir Robert Filmer’s Patriarcha
(4) Hobbes’ De Corpore
Answer: Milton’s Areopagitica
(13) Who of the following said that Gandhi is greater by far than Gandhism and of all our heroes in recent Indian history, this frail little man was the tallest ?
(1) Hiren Mukherjee
(2) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(3) Madan Mohan Malaviya
(4) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Hiren Mukherjee
(14) The main impact of the systems theory on the social sciences can be traced to
(1) the 1920s
(2) the 1930s
(3) the 1940s
(4) the 1950s
Answer: the 1920s
(15) Who among the following developed the theory of ‘Communicative Action’ ?
(1) Karl Deutsch .
(2) Jurgan Habermas
(3) Sydney Verba
(4) Daniel Lerner
Answer: Jurgan Habermas

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