
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 19

(1) In which one of the following cases the Supreme Court of India has laid down exhaustive guidelines for preventing sexual harassment of working women in place of their work ?
(1) Hussainara Khatoon V. State of Bihar
(2) Delhi Domestic Working Women’s Forum V. Union of India
(3) Olga Tellis V. Bombay Municipal Corporation
(4) Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan and others.
Answer: Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan and others.
(2) Who among the following was not the speaker of the Lok Sabha ?
(1) Rabi Ray
(2) Hukum Singh
(3) Baliram Bhagat
(4) Gopal Swarup Pathak
Answer: Gopal Swarup Pathak
(3) Who among the following is regarded as the Father of Comparative Politics ?
(1) Plato
(2) Aristotle
(3) Lucian Pye
(4) G.A. Almond
Answer: Aristotle
(4) Which one of the following statements is not correct in regard to Aristotle’s classification of governments ?
(1) The classification of governments was on the basis of number of people involved in the task of governing.
(2) Whether rulers governed in common interest (the genuine form) or in their own (perverted form)
(3) The government is more effective and stable when rulers govern in the long interest
(4) The government is captured by shared interest and remains insensitive to shared interests of the whole community.
Answer: The government is captured by shared interest and remains insensitive to shared interests of the whole community.
(5) Which one of the following said, “the power is a matter of getting people to do what they would not have otherwise done” ?
(1) Hannah Avendt
(2) Robert Dahl
(3) Max Weber
(4) Hans Morgenthau
Answer: Robert Dahl
(6) Who among the following is not associated with evolving the principles of organisation ?
(1) Henri Fayol
(2) L.D. White
(3) L.F. Urwick
(4) Luther Gulick
Answer: L.D. White
(7) Who among the following remained chairman of the Comparative Administrative Group in the United States of America for 10 years ?
(1) Woodrow Wilson
(2) D. Waldo
(3) Fred Riggs
(4) Herbert Simon
Answer: Fred Riggs
(8) Who said that federalism requires a people “Who desire union and must not desire unity” ?
(1) James Bryce
(2) A.V. Diecy
(3) K.C. Wheare
(4) H. Finer
Answer: A.V. Diecy
(9) The ‘one best way’ in scientific management means :
(1) Equal division of work
(2) Intensive analysis of work processes
(3) Mental revolution on the part of workers and management
(4) Standardisation of work methods
Answer: Standardisation of work methods
(10) Which one of the following is not a staff agency in U.S.A. ?
(1) State Department
(2) Office of Budget and Management
(3) National Security Council
(4) The White House
Answer: State Department
(11) Performance Budgeting was introduced in India on the recommendation of :
(1) Paul Appleby Report
(2) Gorwala Report
(3) First Administrative Reforms Commission Report
(4) Santhanam Committee Report
Answer: First Administrative Reforms Commission Report
(12) Domicile qualification for public appointments was first used in :
(1) the U.K.
(2) the U.S.A.
(3) India
(4) Australia
Answer: the U.S.A.
(13) The Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners in India are appointed for a term of :
(1) 3 years
(2) 4 years
(3) 5 years
(4) 6 years
Answer: 6 years
(14) Economic diplomacy is also termed as :
(1) cultural diplomacy
(2) oil diplomacy
(3) crisis diplomacy
(4) development diplomacy
Answer: development diplomacy
(15) Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of non-alignment ?
(1) Non - alignment stands for plurality and democratic equality among community of nations.
(2) It opposes all forms of racialism and discrimination and it champions the cause of fundamental freedoms. Economic and social justice is the motto of nonalignment.
(3) Non-alignment rests on the presumption that national security is linked with national strength of individual nations.
(4) Non-alignment asserts that international peace is an alienable prerequisite for attaining national aspirations and for the exercise of sovereign independence.
Answer: It opposes all forms of racialism and discrimination and it champions the cause of fundamental freedoms. Economic and social justice is the motto of nonalignment.

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