
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 2

(1) Who among the following described political development as “administrative and legal development” ?
(1) Paul Baron.
(2) James S. Coleman.
(3) Edward Shills.
(4) Max Weber.
Answer: Max Weber
(2) Which of the following was not a feature of the Government of India Act, 1919 ?
(1) Provision for a bicameral legislature at the centre.
(2) The Legislative Assembly would have an elected majority and control over ministers.
(3) Communal representation was not only retained but extended.
(4) Enlarged the electorates both for provinces and emperial legislature.
Answer: The Legislative Assembly would have an elected majority and control over ministers.
(3) Who amongst the following provided a link between pre and post independence institutional framework to study Indian politics ?
(1) Rajni Kothari
(2) Myron Weiner
(3) Morries Jones
(4) Paul R. Brass
Answer: Morries Jones
(4) Which of the following is not true about the amendment of the Constitution under Article 368 ?
(1) The Bill may be introduced in either House of Parliament.
(2) The Bill must be passed by special majority (2/3RD present and voting and more than 50% of the total membership).
(3) In case of disagreement between the Houses joint sitting may be called
(4) Contract does not put an end to the Law of Nature
Answer: In case of disagreement between the Houses joint sitting may be called
(5) Which article of the Indian Constitution empower the Parliament to make provisions for a contingency when the offices of both the President and the Vice-President fall vacant by reasons of death, resignation, removal or otherwise ?
(1) Article 123
(2) Article 72
(3) Article 70
(4) Article 58
Answer: Article 70
(6) “India since 1989 has witnessed fewer abuses of power by Prime Ministers than the United Kingdom experienced under either Margaret Thatcher or Tony Blair”. Whose statement is this ?
(1) Atul Kohli
(2) Granville Austin
(3) James Manor
(4) Christophe Jafferlot
Answer: James Manor
(7) Who of the following regard the Supreme Court of India as having a dual personality - a legal institution and a public institution ?
(1) Granville Austin
(2) Upendra Baxi
(3) Madhav Khosla and Ananth Padmanabhan
(4) N. Robinson
Answer: Madhav Khosla and Ananth Padmanabhan
(8) Who calls Election Commission of India as an effective ‘bulwork of free and fair elections’ ?
(1) Alistair McMillan
(2) Lloyd and Susanne Rudolph
(3) R.P. Bhalla
(4) M. Katju
Answer: Lloyd and Susanne Rudolph
(9) Who describes Indian federation as a “holding together federation and not a ‘coming together federation” ?
(1) P. Bardhan
(2) R.L. Watts
(3) Douglas Verney
(4) D.D. Basu
Answer: P. Bardhan
(10) Which committee on Panchayati Raj in India takes of three phases : “The phase of ascendency The phase of stagnation and The phase of decline” ?
(1) Sadiq Ali
(2) L.M. Singhvi
(3) Asoka Mehta
(4) B.R. Mehta
Answer: Sadiq Ali
(11) Which one of the following Commissions was not related to Backward Classes ?
(1) Bakshi Commission
(2) Mandal Commission
(3) Havnoor Commission
(4) Shah Commission
Answer: Shah Commission
(12) “If Hume and other English liberals hoped to use Congress as a safety-valve, the Congress leaders hoped to use Hume as a lightening-conductor”. Who said this ?
(1) S.R. Mehrotra
(2) Sumit Sarkar
(3) Bipan Chandra
(4) Tapan Raychaudhuri
Answer: Bipan Chandra
(13) Who among the following was the first to advance the idea of worker’s participation in management ?
(1) Henry Fayol
(2) Herbert Simon
(3) F.W. Taylor
(4) Mary Parker Follet
Answer: Mary Parker Follet
(14) Who among the following has criticized classical theory as ‘homely proverbs, myths, slogans and pompous identities’ ?
(1) W.F. Willougbhy
(2) Luther Gulick
(3) Henri Fayol
(4) Herbert Simon
Answer: Herbert Simon
(15) Who among the following said that behaviour in administration should be studied through psychoanalysis ?
(1) Alex Bavelas
(2) Orway Tead
(3) Abraham Maslow
(4) Chester Banard
Answer: Abraham Maslow

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