
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 21

(1) Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(1) Swiss federal legislature is bicameral.
(2) The Lower House is called the National Council.
(3) The Upper House is called Council of states
(4) The qualification of voters and candidate is decided by National Council.
Answer: The qualification of voters and candidate is decided by National Council.
(2) Which one of the following is not a feature of United Kingdom judiciary ?
(1) Based on common law tradition.
(2) Devolution to Scotland have given more scope to a traditionally restrained Judiciary.
(3) Devolution to Wales have given more scope to a traditionally restrained Judiciary.
(4) Judges of Higher Courts are appointed by the Crown on the recommendations of the House of Commons.
Answer: Judges of Higher Courts are appointed by the Crown on the recommendations of the House of Commons.
(3) The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution and the writings of John Locke all contributed to the strengthening of Great Britain :
(1) Absolute Monarchy
(2) Ethnic Rivalaries
(3) Parliamentary Democracy
(4) Imperialist Policies
Answer: Parliamentary Democracy
(4) Which countries were the basis of the study of Almond and Verba’s ‘Civic Culture’?
(1) Chile, US, UK, France, Spain
(2) US, France, Mexico, Italy, Germany
(3) Mexico, Germany, Italy, US, UK
(4) US, UK, Chile, Mexico, Spain
Answer: Mexico, Germany, Italy, US, UK
(5) The five stages of economic growth proposed by W.W. Rostow are :
(1) Traditional society, mercantile capitalism, industrial capitalism, financial capitalism, globalisation
(2) Preconditions for take-off, take-off, maturing of industry, industrial capitalism, full employment.
(3) Traditional society, preconditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, the epoch of high mass consumption.
(4) Preconditions for take-off, mechanisation, industrialisation, take-off, financial capitalism.
Answer: Traditional society, preconditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, the epoch of high mass consumption.
(6) Which world leader gave a special concept of ‘Development’ after the Second World War ?
(1) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(2) Harry Truman
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru
(4) Winston Churchill
Answer: Harry Truman
(7) What are the three types of political culture according to Almond and Verba’s study ‘Civic Culture’?
(1) Parochial, subject, participant
(2) Citizen, communal, democratic
(3) Associative, adjudicative, parochial
(4) Feudal, semi-feudal, democratic
Answer: Parochial, subject, participant
(8) Who among the following laid down ‘Seven principles of organisation’ ?
(1) Gulick and Urwick
(2) Mary P.Follet
(3) Henri Fayol
(4) F.W.Taylor
Answer: Gulick and Urwick
(9) Which one of the following is not a principle of organisation ?
(1) Hierarchy
(2) Span of Control
(3) Unity of command
(4) Staffing
Answer: Staffing
(10) In an informal organisation, authority always flows :
(1) upwards
(2) downwards
(3) upwards and across
(4) across and downwards
Answer: across and downwards
(11) The traditional home of patronage bureaucracy is :
(1) U.K.
(2) U.S.A.
(3) China
(4) France
Answer: U.S.A.
(12) Who among the following coined the term ‘representative bureaucracy’ ?
(1) Donald Kingsley
(2) Peter Blau
(3) Max Weber
(4) Martin Albrow
Answer: Donald Kingsley
(13) Which one of the following was the first country to enact a Law - Freedom of the Press Act - as early as in 1766 ?
(1) U.K.
(2) U.S.A.
(3) Sweden
(4) Denmark
Answer: Sweden
(14) Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(1) India is a signatory to the UN Convention against corruption.
(2) India ranked 95th out of 178 countries according to the Transparency International’s Index.
(3) Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill was first introduced in Parliament in 1986.
(4) Central Vigilance Commission was set up on the recommendation of Santhanam Committee.
Answer: Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill was first introduced in Parliament in 1986.
(15) Which of the following terms of International Relationships was coined by Nicholas Onuf in his book - World of our Making ?
(1) Realism
(2) Neo-realism
(3) Neo-liberalism
(4) Constructivism
Answer: Constructivism

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