
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 22

(1) Which of the following is not correct regarding W.T.O ?
(1) It administers W.T.O. trade agreements.
(2) It acts as a forum for trade negotiations.
(3) It monitors national trade policies.
(4) It supplies technical assistance and training for developing and developed countries.
Answer: It supplies technical assistance and training for developing and developed countries.
(2) Which country is the example of Latent Nuclear Capacity ?
(1) India
(2) Japan
(3) China
(4) North Korea
Answer: Japan
(3) Who is given credit to coin the term - Soft Power ?
(1) N. Alarcon
(2) A. J. Bellamy
(3) S. Chesterman
(4) Joseph Nye
Answer: Joseph Nye
(4) Marshall Plan, 1947 was also formally known as :
(1) European Reconstruction Programme
(2) European Revival Plan
(3) European Recovery Programme
(4) European Restrengthening Plan
Answer: European Recovery Programme
(5) According to K.J. Holsti, which one of the following is not a feature of the contemporary state system ?
(1) The rise in the number and type of states.
(2) The great potential for destruction by those who possess nuclear weapons and modern delivery systems.
(3) The predominant position of influences that has been achieved by the three essentially non-European states : Russia, China and the United States.
(4) The large number of states are keen to join political and economic alliances.
Answer: The large number of states are keen to join political and economic alliances.
(6) The Principal purpose of India’s foreign policy vis-a-vis the UN is to pursue three closely related goals. Which of the following is not included among them ?
(1) A significant role in the shaping of international relations in the 21st century.
(2) A movement towards a non-violent and humane international system.
(3) The promotion of conditions for a sustainable and relatively equitable pattern of international development.
(4) To help UN to develop its own financial resources.
Answer: To help UN to develop its own financial resources.
(7) Which of the following is not included in the Doctrine of Panchsheel, 1954 ?
(1) Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignity.
(2) Not to develop nuclear weapons.
(3) Equality and mutual benefit.
(4) Peaceful Co-existence.
Answer: Not to develop nuclear weapons.
(8) Who calls Election Commission of India as an effective ‘bulwork of free and fair elections’ ?
(1) Alistair McMillan
(2) Lloyd and Susanne Rudolph
(3) R.P. Bhalla
(4) M. Katju
Answer: Lloyd and Susanne Rudolph
(9) Who describes Indian federation as a “holding together federation and not a ‘coming together federation” ?
(1) P. Bardhan
(2) R.L. Watts
(3) Douglas Verney
(4) D.D. Basu
Answer: P. Bardhan
(10) The roots of newly emerging forces of globalisation have been traced in specific economic and political developments in the late 1980s or early 1990s. Which of the following can not be included in this category ?
(1) The end of Cold War
(2) Testing of nuclear devices by India and Pakistan in 1998.
(3) Dismantling of state socialism in the USSR.
(4) The collapse of the Berlin wall.
Answer: Testing of nuclear devices by India and Pakistan in 1998.
(11) Who among the following is associated with Democratic Peace Theory ?
(1) Kenneth Waltz
(2) Michael Doyle
(3) Jackson and Sorenson
(4) John Mearsheimer
Answer: Michael Doyle
(12) In which country did Saudi Arabia militarily intervene in March, 2015 ?
(1) United Arab Emirates
(2) Yemen
(3) Egypt
(4) Kuwait
Answer: Yemen
(13) In Arthashastra, how many departments of the government find mention ?
(1) 32
(2) 33
(3) 34
(4) 35
Answer: 34
(14) Who of the following fled Athens for Calchis, ‘in order that the Athenians might not commit a second crime against philosophy’ ?
(1) Socrates
(2) Plato
(3) Aristotle
(4) Euclid
Answer: Aristotle
(15) Who among the following said of Rousseau, “Ardent apostle of Reason, he has done more than most to prepare the way for the age of unreason in which he live” ?
(1) Maxey
(2) Sabine
(3) Wayper
(4) Karl Popper
Answer: Wayper

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