
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 23

(1) Who among the following compares the organisations of civil society to a powerful system of ‘Fortresses and earthworks’ standing behind the state ?
(1) McLellan
(2) Bernstein
(3) Lenin
(4) Gramsci
Answer: Gramsci
(2) Which one of the following social contract traditions has not been revitalised by John Rawls in his book A Theory of Justice ?
(1) Hobbes
(2) John Locke
(3) J.J. Rousseau
(4) Immanuel Kant
Answer: Hobbes
(3) Who among the following said that Bhakti in religion may be a road to the salvation of the soul. But in politics, Bhakti or hero worship is a sure road to degradation and eventual dictatorship ?
(1) Jayaprakash Narayan
(2) M.N. Roy
(3) B.R. Ambedkar
(4) Savarkar
Answer: B.R. Ambedkar
(4) Who said, ‘therefore, the sword of Brutus is holy. Therefore the Baghanakha of Shivaji is of fair fame. Therefore, the beheading of Charles I is a just deed. Therefore the arrow of William Tell is divine ?
(1) M. N. Roy
(2) Subhas Chandra Bose
(3) Aurobindo Ghose
(4) V.D. Savarkar
Answer: V.D. Savarkar
(5) Which one of the following is not a feature of Easton’s intellectual foundation stones of behaviouralism ?
(1) Regularities
(2) Values
(3) Pure Science
(4) Stratification
Answer: Stratification
(6) Which one of the following is not a factor, for Fukuyama, leading to the triumph of liberal democracy ?
(1) The struggle for ‘recognition’.
(2) The logic of science’s mastery over nature.
(3) The absence of major contradictions in liberal democracy.
(4) The triumph of liberalism is more in terms of economics than ideologies.
Answer: The triumph of liberalism is more in terms of economics than ideologies.
(7) Who among the following makes a distinction between system maintenance and system persistence ?
(1) Gabriel Almond
(2) David Easton
(3) Lucian Pye
(4) F.W. Riggs
Answer: David Easton
(8) “We are under the Constitution, but the constitution is what the Judges say it is “. Besides U.S.A. to which one of the following countries can this be applicable ?
(1) Switzerland
(2) India
(3) U.K.
(4) Russia
Answer: India
(9) Who among the following has written “The Federalist Papers “ ?
(1) B. Anderson
(2) C. Reynoldes
(3) James Madison
(4) Theodor Andorno
Answer: James Madison
(10) Who among the following argued that “ The belief in the principle of authority is the only reliable means of securing order” .
(1) Joseph de Maistre
(2) Max Weber
(3) Friedrich Nietzsche
(4) Giovanni Gentile
Answer: Joseph de Maistre
(11) Who among the following has argued that the electoral system determines the nature of the party system ?
(1) Duverger
(2) Mitchels
(3) Schumpeter
(4) Weber
Answer: Schumpeter
(12) Who is the First Law Officer of the Government of India ?
(1) Chief Justice of India
(2) Law Secretary
(3) Solicitor - General of India
(4) Attorney - General of India
Answer: Attorney - General of India
(13) Which one of the following cannot be dissolved but can be abolished ?
(1) Lok Sabha
(2) Rajya Sabha
(3) State Legislative Council
(4) State Legislative Assembly
Answer: State Legislative Council
(14) The maximum period of the President ‘s Rule in a state under Article 356 can be :
(1) One year
(2) Two year
(3) Three year
(4) Four year
Answer: Three year
(15) Which of the following is not a condition for Parliament to legislate on the subjects mentioned in the State List ?
(1) If Lok Sabha decides that a subject mentioned in state list is of national importances
(2) If two or more states assemblies pass a resolution to such an effect
(3) If a state of Emergency is declared
(4) If a treaty with a foreign country has to be put into effect
Answer: If Lok Sabha decides that a subject mentioned in state list is of national importances

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