
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 24

(1) Any resolution passed by the Parliament for removing a Judge of the Supreme Court has to be investigated by a Committee comprising of :
(1) Two judges of Supreme Court
(2) Two Judges of Supreme Court and Attorney General of India
(3) Two Judges of Supreme Court and a legal luminary
(4) Chief Justice of Supreme Court and two - Judges of the Supreme Court
Answer: Two Judges of Supreme Court and a legal luminary
(2) What was the name of the section which replaced Comparative Administration Group of the American Society of Public Administration ?
(1) Section of American Public Administration (SAP)
(2) Section on Comparative Administration (SCA)
(3) Section on International Public Administration (SIP)
(4) Section on International and Comparative Public Administration (SICA)
Answer: Section on International and Comparative Public Administration (SICA)
(3) Arrange MasLow’s perceived human needs in correct chronological order :
(1) Self esteem - physiological - security - self actualization - belongingness
(2) Self actualization - security - belongingness - physiological - self esteem.
(3) Security - self actualization - belongingness - physiological - self esteem.
(4) Physiological - security - belongingness - self esteem - self actualization.
Answer: Physiological - security - belongingness - self esteem - self actualization.
(4) Which one of the following types of leaders does not figure in Mooney and Reiley’s classification of leaders ?
(1) Formal leaders
(2) Titular leaders
(3) Controllers
(4) True organizers
Answer: Formal leaders
(5) Which one of the following is not included in the elements of Public Policy by Austin Rammey ?
(1) A set of objectives
(2) A selected line of action
(3) An implementation of intent
(4) Reconsideration of objectives
Answer: Reconsideration of objectives
(6) Assheton committee (1944) did not include one of the following in the objects of training of civil servants :
(1) To produce reliable work-skill
(2) Flexibility
(3) To broaden the mind of the trainee
(4) To develop leadership qualities
Answer: To develop leadership qualities
(7) Which one among the following is the correct ascending order of Commission/Committees appointed in the USA ?
(1) Hoover Commission, Taft Commission, The Grace Commission, Brownlow Committee.
(2) The Grace Commission, Hoover Commission, Taft Commission, Brownlow Committee.
(3) Taft Commission, Brownlow Committee, Hoover Commission, The Grace Commission.
(4) Brownlow Committee, Taft Commission, The Grace Commission, Hoover Commission.
Answer: Taft Commission, Brownlow Committee, Hoover Commission, The Grace Commission.
(8) Who called bureaucrats as ‘ruling servants ‘ ?
(1) F.M. Marx
(2) Martin Krygier
(3) Robert K. Merton
(4) Joseph La Palombara
Answer: Robert K. Merton
(9) Which constitutional amendment provided for the setting up of Administrative Tribunals in India ? 41
(1) 24th Amendment
(2) 59th Amendment
(3) 42nd Amendment
(4) 44th Amendment
Answer: 42nd Amendment
(10) Who among the following is not related to Bargaining Theory ?
(1) Kenneth Waltz
(2) J.F. Nash
(3) Thomas Schelling
(4) Roger Fisher
Answer: Kenneth Waltz
(11) Which one of the following was not feature of Old Diplomacy ?
(1) Limited
(2) Aristocratic
(3) Transparency
(4) Freedom of Action for Ambassadors
Answer: Transparency
(12) In which year Brezhnev had propounded the concept of Asian Collective Security System ?
(1) 1967
(2) 1968
(3) 1969
(4) 1970
Answer: 1969
(13) Which of the following country is not a member of ASEAN :
(1) Laos
(2) Combodia
(3) Vietnam
(4) North Korea
Answer: North Korea
(14) Originally what was the total strength of security council of United Nations ?
(1) 9
(2) 10
(3) 11
(4) 15
Answer: 11
(15) Recently France has agreed to set up atomic power plant in India at :
(1) Kudankulam
(2) Tarapur
(3) Kakarapar
(4) Jaitapur
Answer: Jaitapur

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