
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 25

(1) Who among the following said that “post-behaviouralism was a genuine revolution, not a reaction; a becoming, not a preservation; a reform, not a counter reformation” ?
(1) James Bryce
(2) Charles E. Merriam
(3) David Easton
(4) G. A. Almond
Answer: David Easton
(2) Who among the following said, ‘we can not shed our values in the way we remove our coats’ ?
(1) Leo Strauss
(2) Alfred Cobban
(3) Jean Blondel
(4) David Easton
Answer: David Easton
(3) Who among the following characterised early liberalism as ‘possessive individualism’ ?
(1) F. A. Hayek
(2) Robert Nozick
(3) C. B. MacPherson
(4) Rawls
Answer: C. B. MacPherson
(4) Which one of the following statements is not true ?
(1) Marx drew distinction between ‘ideology’ and ‘science’.
(2) Napoleon denounced ideology as cloudy metaphysics that ignored history and reality.
(3) de Tracy coined the term ideology.
(4) Daniel Bell talked of ‘ideology without an end’.
Answer: Daniel Bell talked of ‘ideology without an end’.
(5) Who said Revolution meant a drastic sudden substitution of one group in charge of the running of a territorial political entity by another ?
(1) Hannah Arendt
(2) Theda Skocpol
(3) Crane Brinton
(4) Hubert Johnson
Answer: Crane Brinton
(6) For whom, “ideas” and not the “material conditions of production” are the effective causes of revolution ?
(1) Karl Marx
(2) Lenin
(3) The Sikhs
(4) Stalin
Answer: Lenin
(7) Which of the following statements is false with respect to Plato’s ideas ?
(1) Division of functions does not rest on difference of aptitude.
(2) State is assumed to be merely individual writ large.
(3) Athenian women were not allowed to participate in politics.
(4) Ignorance and incompetence of politicians is the cause of democracy.
Answer: Division of functions does not rest on difference of aptitude.
(8) Which of the following is not an expression of the constitutional rule of Aristotle ?
(1) Rule in public interest
(2) A lawful rule
(3) A Government of willing subjects
(4) Inconsistent with the dignity of the subjects
Answer: Inconsistent with the dignity of the subjects
(9) Who of the following said that felicity is “continued success in obtaining those things which a man from time to time desires” ?
(1) Bentham
(2) J.S. Mill
(3) Hobbes
(4) Rousseau
Answer: Hobbes
(10) Who of the following notes the existence of legislative, executive and federative powers of the state ?
(1) Hobbes
(2) Locke
(3) Rousseau
(4) J. Bentham
Answer: Locke
(11) Which of the following is not an idea of Rousseau ?
(1) A thinking man is a depraved animal
(2) Science is the fruit of idle curiosity
(3) Philosophy is mere intellectual frippery
(4) General will is the sum total of wills
Answer: General will is the sum total of wills
(12) For J.S. Mill which one of the following is not true ?
(1) Pleasures differ in quality
(2) The felicific calculus is absurd
(3) The principle of utility is the final end of life
(4) Liberty consists in doing what one desires
Answer: The principle of utility is the final end of life
(13) For Karl Marx who among the following is not a Utopian socialist ?
(1) St. Simon
(2) Proudhon
(3) Fourier
(4) Engels
Answer: Engels
(14) Who coined the slogan “No control, no co-operation” ?
(1) Mahatma Gandhi
(2) J. Nehru
(3) Aurobindo
(4) Subhash Bose
Answer: Aurobindo
(15) Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(1) Political culture is a set of basic political attitudes.
(2) Political culture cannot be empirically studied.
(3) The study of political culture focuses on attitude of people and their likely effects on politics.
(4) Political culture has a companion approach i.e. political socialisation.
Answer: Political culture cannot be empirically studied.

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