
Political Science Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Political Science Quiz Set 26

(1) Direct democracy is not possible in the modern times because :
(1) People are indifferent towards the affairs of state.
(2) Political parties are opposed to it.
(3) Propertied classes oppose it.
(4) Of the practical difficulties posed by the size and population of modern state.
Answer: Of the practical difficulties posed by the size and population of modern state.
(2) Who among the following has given ‘sleeping dogs’ theory of democratic culture ?
(1) Lucian Pye and Robert E. ward
(2) James S. Coleman and Myron weiner
(3) James C. Charlesworth and F.W. Riggs
(4) Almond and Verba
Answer: Almond and Verba
(3) Who among the following has coined the terms ‘The stick’, ‘The deal’, ‘The kiss’, for influencing the decisions ?
(1) E.E. Schattschneider
(2) Keith Boulding
(3) Robert Dahl
(4) Kate Millet
Answer: Keith Boulding
(4) Which one of the following is a character of “Co-operative Federalism” ?
(1) A spirit of competition and rivalry between the centre and the state.
(2) Co-operation secured on the basis of strong centre.
(3) Decentralization and more state responsibility.
(4) A spirit of co-operation among states.
Answer: Decentralization and more state responsibility.
(5) Which one of the following practices is employed in the American legislative process in order to delay a particular legislation ?
(1) Gerrymandering
(2) Filibustering
(3) Log Rolling
(4) Spoils system
Answer: Filibustering
(6) The power that makes the Supreme Court of America the third Chamber of the legislative is :
(1) Original
(2) Appellate
(3) Advisory
(4) Judicial review
Answer: Judicial review
(7) Who among the following has defined “political power” as the “relationship in which one person or a group is able to determine the actions of another in the direction of the former’s own end” ?
(1) Bertrand Russel
(2) Habermas
(3) Morgenthau
(4) David Easton
Answer: David Easton
(8) The Constituent Assembly of India comprised of :
(1) 292 members from British provinces, 4 from Chief Commissionaires and 93 from Princely States
(2) 294 members from British provinces, 4 from Chief Commissionaires and 91 from Princely States
(3) 291 members from British provinces, 3 from Chief Commissionaires and 95 from Princely States
(4) 292 members from British provinces, 5 from Chief Commissionaires and 92 from Princely States
Answer: 292 members from British provinces, 4 from Chief Commissionaires and 93 from Princely States
(9) In which part and article of the Constitution of India, Fundamental Duties have been mentioned :
(1) Part IV, Article 51
(2) Part III, Article 51
(3) Part IV (A), Article 51 (A)
(4) Part III (A), Article 51 (A)
Answer: Part III (A), Article 51 (A)
(10) Under which article/articles, the High Courts and the Supreme Court can issue writs ?
(1) Articles 44 and 45
(2) Articles 123 and 213
(3) Articles 32 and 226
(4) Articles 53 and 153
Answer: Articles 32 and 226
(11) Which of the following Committee voiced concern about ‘Criminalization of politics and politicization of criminals’ ?
(1) Tarakunde Committee
(2) Sachhar Committee
(3) Vohra Committee
(4) Indrajeet Gupta Committee
Answer: Vohra Committee
(12) The study of state politics as an autonomous discipline has been primarily an outcome of :
(1) Rise of regional parties
(2) Rise of voter’s turn out
(3) New local governance system
(4) Non-party political movements
Answer: Rise of regional parties
(13) Who was the Chairman of the inaugural session of constituent assembly ?
(1) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(2) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(3) Dr. Sacchidanand
(4) Sardar Patel
Answer: Dr. Sacchidanand
(14) For the First time the communist party of India came into power in the state of :
(1) West Bengal
(2) Tripura
(3) Kerala
(4) Goa
Answer: Kerala
(15) Which one of the following rights was recognized by the Supreme Court in the Selvy Case Judgement (2010) ?
(1) Right to Mental Privacy
(2) Right to purchase property in Jammu and Kashmir
(3) Right to form pressure groups
(4) NOTA (None of the above)
Answer: Right to purchase property in Jammu and Kashmir

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